Drove today! | FerrariChat

Drove today!

Discussion in 'New England' started by dan360, Feb 5, 2004.

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  1. dan360

    dan360 F1 Rookie

    Feb 18, 2003
    Glacier gone temporarily - at least until the snow predicted for tomorrow. So out came Darth Vader from the garage for a swift 40 miles or so today. Going cold-turkey for 2 months is no fun!

    On an F-chat note, I assume most here read the DES/Carbon meltdown stuff in OT. Steered well clear of posting in those threads, but I thought a brief opinion here might be out of the eyes of the majority - my basic reaction was WTF? For me that was an opinion changer - hopefully he had some sort of e-breakdown and will be back to normal soon.

    Anyone else think that his reaction was several miles beyond the imaginary "appropriate response" line?

  2. TCM

    TCM Formula Junior

    Nov 10, 2003
    Tyngsborough, MA

    Congrats on getting the 360 out for a nice ride today. Unfortunately, northwest of 495 we have messy roads and about a couple inches of snow on the ground from that passing stow storm the other night. I was in town last night and they have nothing(except frost heaves). When is your new baby expected to arrive?
  3. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
    Full Name:
    Mr. Doody
    i'm totally envious dude. this morning i remarked to myself - "hmmm, might be nice enoug to take the beast out", but the beast is in storage. and it turns out i'm stuck home helping the boss deal with sick monsters.

    i too was quite disappointed to see NNO go berzerk. this is one of the issues rob is going to have to deal with re: moderation. that sort of behavior simply cannot be permitted in large communities. the only way to get big is with some editorial control. if you did that on avsforum you'd get banned for life and the post would be deleted. there's no short-term or long-term value to the community created in that sort of behavior. only downside.

  4. racerx

    racerx Guest

    Nov 23, 2003
    Still too crappy where i am to drive. I did see in that mess something to the effect of the good ole days when it was "doody vs. all of em". For those who did not read your 1st 1000 posts what was that all about?
  5. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
    Full Name:
    Mr. Doody
    i didn't read those threads. no clue.

    as long as they spelled my name right ;)

  6. Nabbs

    Nabbs Formula Junior

    Dec 23, 2003
    Manhattan, NY
    Full Name:
    Drove today and yesterday as well.

    The car is filthy now, but oh well.

    They're predicting more white stuff tomorrow through Monday...fun,fun, fun.

  7. dan360

    dan360 F1 Rookie

    Feb 18, 2003
    Doody - All too familiar with the sick monsters concept - the worst/least expected issue of parenthood IMHO is that you're suddenly exposed to all the germs of numerous other families through having small kids at pre-school. I've had more colds in the last 6 months that I think the last 5 years!

    At least I get to blast home tonight in the f-car.

    TCM - I'm still expecting April sometime for the new baby, but knowing "Ferrari-time" that might change...

    I'm Looking forward to it - no surprise there :)
  8. ChrisfromRI

    ChrisfromRI Karting

    Jan 28, 2003
    Foster, RI
    Full Name:
    Chris F
    Congrats Dan!

    My fun cars are still under their covers as the roads here in NW RI are still wet and salty -- better than the black ice we often get though.

    I was out and about today in one of the sedans and I almost didn't make it back up my icy driveway. I had to back down to the street and start over again (the second time without the "benefit" of traction control) to make it over the icy sheet remaining after the last crud-storm. I am kicking myself for not plowing when it was only 2 inches of corn snow soaked with rain. I rationalized not plowing that night by telling myself it was only 2 inches and it would melt away in the rain. Then by morning it got colder and became 2 inches of ice.

    Wonder what treat is in store for us tomorrow?

    Kind Regards, Chris
  9. enjoythemusic

    enjoythemusic F1 World Champ

    Apr 20, 2002
    Full Name:
    Congrats Dan! Like you, took her out for a spin as there were errands to do. Bank, Home Depot, etc. It was a lovely day!

    Enjoy the Drive,

    Steven "i will use Fcar to go food shopping" Rochlin
  10. mondial86

    mondial86 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    Full Name:
    David Holmes
    The 355 is still in the garage but the old 911 is a good sub. on these cold winter days .This was monday on the vinyard.
  11. dan360

    dan360 F1 Rookie

    Feb 18, 2003

    You'll all be glad to know I picked up a curry (from the Awesome new Curry place in Salem) and a bottle of wine on the way home in the car last night. I'm with you - just park in the farthest corner of the stop and shop car parK!

  12. Theo

    Theo Formula Junior

    May 6, 2002
    Westford, MA
    Full Name:
    Theo Pappas
    I was out too! Took the 328 to Ferrari of New England for a PPI. I am in the process of selling it :(

    While I was there, Steve Olford, the service manager gave me an office in the new Maserati wing so I could do some work.

    He even showed me around the two storage areas. Lots of cars!

    I even saw your beast Doody!

    When I leaving, I saw Spivy!

  13. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
    Full Name:
    Mr. Doody
    so dan, did you drive her to work today? ;) ;) ;)

    i decided it was a good day to work from home. got my S55 stuck sideways in the driveway on my way to run some errands - a sheet of ice with snow on top. egads. but the jeep had no problems with it! someday AMG will ship AWD cars. someday.....

    theo - why are you selling?

    she was looking well, i presume? i just handed steve the keys and walked away sobbing :). i actually need to get over there and do a leather treatment soon.

  14. Theo

    Theo Formula Junior

    May 6, 2002
    Westford, MA
    Full Name:
    Theo Pappas
    Financial reasons. My wife has been very sick for over 8 months. and will need a small bowel transplant. She'll be in Pittsburgh for about 3 months recoverying and needs a place to stay near the hospital, flights, calls, etc. It will add up.

    So, I will be Ferrari-less for some time now. But I will be back! Maybe not this year but maybe next in a 355!

    Doody - Regarding your car, I spotted it because (don't get mad at Steve) it did not have the cover on it (gasp!) I think they were moving it around or something.

  15. enjoythemusic

    enjoythemusic F1 World Champ

    Apr 20, 2002
    Full Name:

    Wish you and yours all the very, VERY best and hope all goes well. You are truly a wonderful person as PEOPLE come before material things. ALWAYS.

    Enjoy the Drive,

    Steven R. Rochlin
  16. spivy

    spivy Karting

    Nov 3, 2003
    Newton, MA
    Full Name:
    Gene Spivak

    Hope everything will go the way you want. Wish your wife quick recovery. Best of luck.

  17. rob

    rob F1 Rookie

    May 22, 2002
    Best of luck to your wife Theo.
  18. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
    Full Name:
    Mr. Doody
    theo - my best to you and your wife. good luck with the medical stuffs. never fun :(

    as for the cover - you shoulda seen the nasty filthy condition it was in when i gave him the keys - anything's a step up!

  19. Birdman

    Birdman F1 Veteran

    Jun 20, 2003
    North shore, MA
    Full Name:
    THE Birdman
    Theo, so sorry to hear about your wife. Hope she gets better soon.
  20. ChrisfromRI

    ChrisfromRI Karting

    Jan 28, 2003
    Foster, RI
    Full Name:
    Chris F

    Sure hope everything goes well, and you wife recovers fully and quickly!

    Kind Regards, Chris
  21. Verell

    Verell F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    May 5, 2001
    Groton, MA
    Full Name:
    Verell Boaen
    Best wishes for your wife's recovery. I'm sure you're beside yourself
    with concern.

    Also good luck on selling your 328, hope the PPI went well.
    Be sure to introduce the new owner to the FChat...

  22. TCM

    TCM Formula Junior

    Nov 10, 2003
    Tyngsborough, MA

    Best wishes to you and your wife. I am sure everything will work out well in the end (especially in a 355;)).
  23. Theo

    Theo Formula Junior

    May 6, 2002
    Westford, MA
    Full Name:
    Theo Pappas

    Thanks for all your kind words. It does put everything into perspective. The next two weeks will be stressfull as my wife and I will be in Pitssburgh going throught many tests.

    Concerning the 328, I have initially agreed upon a price with the buyer after the PPI was done. Due to a leaking cam seal, the belts need to be taken off to fix, so a full 30K service is needed. (I did the belts 2 years ago and was planning on a half 30K service). I had to come down $2K for this, but as we all know Sh!! happens.

    On a positive note, my investments have been making $$$ for me, so I am hoping that I'll be behind a Ferrari wheel somtime soon.

  24. jwise

    jwise Formula Junior

    Apr 2, 2003
    Portland Maine
    I'm hoping all goes well, and wishing the best.

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