I need the assitance of a kind hearted individual (s) on this forum!! I placed a post a week ago on the potential cost issues of replacing the 355 F1 pump which costs about £7,500 from Ferrari UK. I have since been contacted by a worlwide hydrualic pump manufacturers rep who states that they do hundreds of pumps for all applications and there is NO pump on this planet thats worth that! he has extensive contacts with all the manufactures and if I can send him good digital photo of the pump he will try to locate its source. I can then share this with other posters if he can help! So- anyone out there can take good photos?? its a bit hidden away thats the problem!
I will have a look in our warehouse to see if we stock one, if so I will post / e-mail them for you. MW
Sorry fot the quality - Jeff's hands must have had a bit of a shake on, I can try again tomorrow if you$want. MW
I have heard that the only way to get these pumps is through Ferrari UK themselves. You cannot purchase them from the Manufacturer. I do know though that at Verdis the pumps can be repaired for a fraction of the cost Ferrari charge for a new pump and Karl puts a no failure warranty on the repair. I think it will be well worth giving him a call, his number is 0208 756 0066 or website www.verdiferrari.biz. Good luck, Knight