F355 Spider Or F360 Spider | FerrariChat

F355 Spider Or F360 Spider

Discussion in '348/355' started by Badapple, Feb 19, 2004.

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Which do you prefer?

  1. 355 Spider

  2. 360 Spider

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  1. Badapple

    Badapple Formula Junior

    Nov 20, 2003
    West London
    Full Name:
    Out of these two which is your favorite?
    Forget the price & age difference, which do you prefer?
  2. titanium360

    titanium360 F1 Rookie

    Nov 10, 2003
  3. alx355gt

    alx355gt F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    In my case, F355 of course :)
    I think it's more a classic.

    Greets, Alex.
  4. scycle2020

    scycle2020 F1 Rookie

    Jan 26, 2004
    was just at my local f dealer..test drove both back to back...no comparison...360 is a much better car in all respects
  5. Noel

    Noel F1 Veteran
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    I've had/have them both, the 360 is better in every way except the sound (I have a tubi on my 360).
  6. 96impalaSS

    96impalaSS F1 Rookie

    Dec 8, 2003
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    three five five
  7. Diablo

    Diablo Formula Junior

    Depends, if you take service into consideration. I would prefer the 360, but note: only the later 360's with the access panels to the fuel units and the crossmember bolts.

    This really helps out when you have to get the trans out.
  8. TheScarletStang

    TheScarletStang Formula Junior

    Feb 7, 2004
    Irvine, California
    Full Name:
    Sean Salter
    Hard to say tho.....i really love the 360 but I also like the 355, I have ridden in both and the 360 is better then 355, but if i really had to choose i would take a 360 ^_^

    plus the 360 has good lines, shaped well compared to the 355's older look
  9. JeffB

    JeffB Formula 3

    Jan 16, 2004
    Northville, Michigan
    Full Name:
    Jeff B
    360 Spider gets my vote.

    To make this question more fair though, ask yourself this...
    The first time you saw the 355 Spider in person and the first time you saw the 360 Spider in person, which had a bigger & better impact on you? Looked at this way, it's a much tougher question to answer bcz as much as I love the 360 Spider, the first time I saw the 355 Spider in person back in the mid 90s, I sat & stared at it for at least 15 minutes with my jaw on the floor.
  10. Red Baron

    Red Baron Rookie

    Feb 14, 2004
    N. Cal
    Well, I am biased...and I bought the 355 because I fell in love with the lines the first time I saw one, and it's never waned. The 360 is a better car in terms of performance, and while I think they both look good in design...I'd take the 360 if I could choose only one.

    Of course...when the next generation is released, we'll be moving on to that (no doubt superior) next level... Not a bad fate to look forward to!
  11. 355f

    355f Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    355 of course

    The side profile of the spider is nice but does ANYONE think it looks good from the front!! its ugly!
  12. noony

    noony F1 Veteran

    Nov 25, 2003
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    360 spyder over 355 spyder but 355 spyder over 360 modena.
  13. Victory

    Victory Formula Junior

    Jan 28, 2004
    I like the 355 spyder. But if I were to buy a syder now, I'd buy the 360 Spyder. I looks fast even standing still. And the 360 is a much better car than the 355.
  14. robert biscan

    robert biscan F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 17, 2003
    Nashville and Palm b
    Full Name:
    robert s biscan
    I too have owned them both and would have to say 360. It is a faster car and I like the interior better. The 355 is a wonderful value right now and is a great car. If money is no issue get the 360.
  15. ninja_eli

    ninja_eli Karting

    Nov 1, 2003
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    difficult question, for their respective times and achievements, the 355 spider is better.

    but if money no object,I'd take a 360 spider, even though IMO the 355 is the better drive (i.e. heel and toe nigh on impossible in 360), bar the following:

    steering nicer and faster in the 360.
    faster, more torquey engine on 360.
    more stable at 130mph plus
    much, much better brakes (355 really, really crap brakes, change them to increase your enjoyment of the car)
    looks much more modern
    roof action better and doesnt leak.

    But if money is a concern, then a nice used (not silly low miler at a premium) 355 spider better value car, by far.
  16. FL 355

    FL 355 Formula 3

    Nov 3, 2002
    Ft Laud
    Full Name:
    Frank Lipinski
    Last year I looked at both and purchased the 355 Spider. The 360 is a better car mechanincally however the look and lines of 355 Spider sold me. Not only is it an automobile, it is also a work of art. Additonally the sound of the stock exhaust is superior.

    However, the 360 design is starting to grow on me, especially the Spider.
  17. Gary(SF)

    Gary(SF) F1 Rookie

    Oct 13, 2003
    Los Altos Hills, CA
    Full Name:
    Gary B.
    Yup. I do. In fact, I think it is terrific.


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