F8 Tributo - Delivery Time | FerrariChat

F8 Tributo - Delivery Time

Discussion in '458 Italia/488/F8' started by Sushistar, Apr 29, 2019.

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  1. Sushistar

    Sushistar Karting

    Jan 20, 2018
    Hello to all and greetings from Germany,

    on Saturday told me a Ferrari employee, they will start later with the production from the car. He told me, I will not get my car in Q1-2020. He thinks in Q2. I am one from the first buyer from this dealer.

    What is your information? Thank you for all answers.
    F8owner likes this.
  2. LVP488

    LVP488 F1 Veteran

    Jan 21, 2017
    I was told may 2020 when ordering 10 days ago.
  3. Sushistar

    Sushistar Karting

    Jan 20, 2018
    I ordered in July 2018 and get now Q2 :-(
    Anthony Capone likes this.
  4. Art138

    Art138 Formula 3
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Nov 22, 2007
    Ft. Lauderdale
    So what does that say for U.S bound deliveries? Anyone have information?
    Anthony Capone likes this.
  5. waynelawson

    waynelawson Rookie

    Nov 20, 2016
    Pista is running behind schedule I think I’ve seen elsewhere. This would be the knock on effect.
    Sushistar likes this.
  6. BarryK

    BarryK Formula 3

    Dec 17, 2016
    Full Name:
    Barry K
    Looks like second half of 2020 for the UK. I ordered mine just after the launch and the dealer has already told me that production will not start until early 2020 for RHD.
    Anthony Capone likes this.
  7. cpiguy

    cpiguy Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 3, 2007
    Westlake Village, CA
    Full Name:
    Arnie Friedman
    Does anyone have an actual factory allocation? Not sure they’ve opened up yet.
    Anthony Capone likes this.
  8. Sushistar

    Sushistar Karting

    Jan 20, 2018
    My order was confirmed from Ferrari. But my dealer told me today, he think at September he can type my order in the system. He told me I have to wait until September to get more news.
    ArchiveZFF likes this.
  9. JimPVB

    JimPVB Formula Junior

    Apr 24, 2016
    Interesting question, and the answer seems to be different depending on who you ask. In the U.S., as of last week, my dealer in saying they still cannot place actual orders, and that other dealers that are building cars with their clients are basically holding the order until the ability to order opens up. They also indicated they still don't even have an allocation number for initial orders. That said, I also have three friends that have told me their orders have already been submitted to "Ferrari" (don't know if FNA, or factory), and two were told delivery would be Feb/Mar 2020, with one of them being told could be as early as December, and the third friend has already ordered his with his dealer and was told Q1 2020. I think, but don't know, that some dealers are "processing orders," just to satisfy existing clients, and are telling them they are "just waiting for the build date" (said to one guy), when in reality they have not been submitted to FNA at this point. It's obviously also possible some orders are in fact quietly being processed for certain clients. Certainly would be nice to know what is actually happening, but IIRC, this happens for most new models.

    of2worlds likes this.
  10. cpiguy

    cpiguy Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 3, 2007
    Westlake Village, CA
    Full Name:
    Arnie Friedman
    Unlike some, I trust my dealer. I don't always like his answers, but he's never lied to me. I've asked him to give me a status and will report back, but my suspicion is the order banks have not yet opened and initial deliveries will start early next year. It can be a frustrating process for most. I've bought 6 new Ferrari's and am definitely not on the top of my dealers list. Just the way it is.
    JimPVB likes this.
  11. Yang Yang

    Yang Yang Karting

    Mar 15, 2019
    Los Angeles
    Full Name:
    Ferrari F8 Tributo
    Hi Yang. We will start ordering late summer. So figure 1st or 2nd quarter 2020 arrival. F dealer told me last week

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat.com mobile app
    of2worlds and Sushistar like this.
  12. David Richardson

    Mar 10, 2018
    Full Name:
    David R
    My dealer submitted my order to Ferrari last week. Expecting delivery end of Q1 or first of Q2....
    Anthony Capone likes this.
  13. richard.watkins@comcast.n

    Jun 4, 2014
    Palm Springs CA
    Full Name:
    Rick Watkins
    I must be in the wrong thread. I put my deposit down May 2019 and am told I can expect end of 2020 or early 2021. What sucks is that I sold both my 360 manual and 599 in October 2019 to have the cash for the F8. Now I am Ferrari-less for maybe 2 years?
    Anthony Capone likes this.
  14. Ragnomn

    Ragnomn Karting

    Oct 19, 2012
    Mine is all done and on its way to Southern California

    Attached Files:

  15. Xrayv8

    Xrayv8 Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 18, 2004
    New Jersey
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    buddyg likes this.
  16. Il Co-Pilota

    Il Co-Pilota F1 Veteran

    May 29, 2019
    Hopefully some place nice.
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    When did you go Red 10?
  17. Ragnomn

    Ragnomn Karting

    Oct 19, 2012
    no just for an email that my car is done
  18. Il Co-Pilota

    Il Co-Pilota F1 Veteran

    May 29, 2019
    Hopefully some place nice.
    Full Name:
    Okay. So your dealer never informed you that the order was locked and could not be changed? Many dealers will often ask for a final okay from the client, just prior to getting it locked. When did you do the final spec?
    Anthony Capone likes this.
  19. cpiguy

    cpiguy Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 3, 2007
    Westlake Village, CA
    Full Name:
    Arnie Friedman
    Anthony Capone likes this.
  20. F8owner

    F8owner Rookie

    Feb 28, 2020
    Full Name:
    Ruben Goulart
    2018??? It was world presented a year ago at Genebra! ‍♂️
  21. gthiara

    gthiara Rookie

    Jul 6, 2016
    Hi, does anybody know what the delivery time is for the first batch F8's have they forecast a delivery date or is everything just on hold
  22. Sushistar

    Sushistar Karting

    Jan 20, 2018
    I am from Germany. Order mine in June 2019 and got 5 days ago.
    ryalex likes this.
  23. Jo Sta7

    Jo Sta7 F1 Veteran
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 13, 2015
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  24. Marc Goldstein

    Marc Goldstein Karting

    Jul 3, 2018
    Westchester NY
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