F8 - F8 Tributo Price Trends | Page 12 | FerrariChat

F8 F8 Tributo Price Trends

Discussion in '458 Italia/488/F8' started by Bell911, Mar 22, 2022.

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  1. 05F430F1

    05F430F1 F1 Rookie

    Oct 22, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
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    time to go for 812 I guess Mrpseudonym
    Mrpseudonym likes this.
  2. Cigarzman

    Cigarzman F1 Veteran
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    For what that car sold for you could have bought a spare set of stock rims and tires and still had a great deal. Problem solved.
    05F430F1 likes this.
  3. Mrpseudonym

    Mrpseudonym Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 7, 2020
    Sydney, Australia
    488 is more attainable :)
  4. Orinda

    Orinda Rookie

    Aug 21, 2023
    Happy Monday, Hope everyone had a great wkend. I know we all had several discussions about this F8S. Interesting enough, we dont have to wonder where it went anymore…It just showed up this morning @ Foreign Cars Italia -Greensboro. It sold on BAT including Fee’s for 399,500 + Shipping etc. and NOW they are selling it for 465K…Not a bad 65K profit? And shows that ForeignAffairsMotors sold it to them…

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  5. mkraft3003

    mkraft3003 Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 20, 2016
    Tampa, Fl
    It goes without saying but you don’t make “profit” until it sells. What they are “asking” and what it “sells” for are two different things. So they aren’t making 65k profit. (I know I’m stating the obvious and your point is well taken that it will be a nice profit by the end dealer)

    As I’ve pointed out and I think everyone knows foreign affairs is bidding and winning a ton of auctions. They are getting the cars at essentially wholesale and then flipping them to dealers who are marking them up. I’d make a wild guess that foreign affairs is selling them for 5-10k more than they are paying and making quick and easy profit.
    LVP488 and Thecadster like this.
  6. Bernie B

    Bernie B Karting
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 6, 2020
    Chicago, IL Area
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    Agreed. The dealer will undoubtedly turn a profit. However, it will not be $65K! They must condition the car and that can run several thousand dollars alone. Plus, the listing price and sale price can have a big delta these days.
    mkraft3003 likes this.
  7. 05F430F1

    05F430F1 F1 Rookie

    Oct 22, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
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    Now everyone is finally starting to get what BAT is there for and what happens to the overwhelming majority of all exotic sales on that site. — AND the bonus, as I stated before, is that it gives the unknowing people a false market value so that the dealers can then also, get their cars directly on trade-in for around those numbers. It’s a pure manipulation. Which is fine as long as everyone knows and stops acting all surprised when a car sells at a number that seems really good.

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat
    RoadRonin likes this.
  8. Orinda

    Orinda Rookie

    Aug 21, 2023

    Yes, your absolutely right, 65k is not their profit margin and somewhere in there they are paying out 6% commission to their sales guys? So what are they really left with? Some of these cars sit around for 1-4 months?
  9. mkraft3003

    mkraft3003 Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 20, 2016
    Tampa, Fl
    Agreed. I do Think most people understood that and that the large number, if not majority, of deals are being flipped.

    I think the important part is any regular person can buy and get a great deal. Not everyone can go to Mannheim and buy cars at wholesale as that’s for dealers. If you have cash or your own financing, can arrange transportation you can get a steal and get wholesale pricing.
    05F430F1 and Orinda like this.
  10. mdrums

    mdrums Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 11, 2006
    Tampa FL
    thoughts... this F8 Spider will sell for around/close to $440k
  11. FrancisK

    FrancisK Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 22, 2021
    The dealer itself will be lucky to make 10k after all is said and done but they will do well on the financing and the exposure is also good for them....it's not a bad move.
  12. Don't forget the carrying costs a dealer has to pay to "display" one of these cars.

    From the floorplan, to the interest, to the insurance, etc.

    It's not a zero cost listing.
    Orinda likes this.
  13. Thecadster

    Thecadster F1 Veteran
    Rossa Subscribed

    Apr 27, 2017
    Indeed, along with facility, utilities, commission, taxes, etc. And that is all minor stuff compared to the inherent risk of carrying a depreciating asset.
  14. RoyalPink

    RoyalPink Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Mar 18, 2019
    Southern Utah
    Full Name:
    John D.
    Yep. Everything is a cost and baked in. Even the free Danish and espressos.
    Thecadster likes this.
  15. jordanfsl

    jordanfsl Formula Junior

    Dec 11, 2010
    Los Angeles
    wait, there is supposed to be free Danish and espressos? I'm missing out!
    NGooding likes this.
  16. We get fresh baked Crumbl cookies and Nespresso.

    My dealer offers espresso, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to use the damn contraption.
    Thecadster likes this.
  17. mdrums

    mdrums Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 11, 2006
    Tampa FL
    My dealer doesn't even have free water! LOL
  18. vdm9

    vdm9 Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    May 11, 2014
    long island new york
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    At my dealer dirty looks are still free!!!
  19. BrntRubber

    BrntRubber Karting

    Feb 18, 2020
    Full Name:
    Farris Alnaqeeb
    I have found a nice spec f8 spider. I am in a position to sell my 675 Spider and buy the F8 for virtually even money.

    Any thoughts? An 812sf would also be around even money.

    I havent owned a Ferrari in around 15 years when ai sold my 458. Been driving porsche gt cars and the 675.

    Advice much appreciated.

  20. LVP488

    LVP488 F1 Veteran

    Jan 21, 2017
    From what I understand, an F8 spider would be a downgrade in terms of performance and stiffness, compared to the 675. An 812 SF would offer a glorious V12 on the other hand.
  21. RoadRonin

    RoadRonin Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    May 18, 2020
    San Francisco
    How important is having the open-roof experience to you? If it's between an F8 Spider and 812 Superfast, that will be something to consider. Between my STO, 296 GTB, and F8 Spider, the F8 Spider is probably my favorite partly because it feels like having two cars in one due to the ability to go roofless.
  22. BrntRubber

    BrntRubber Karting

    Feb 18, 2020
    Full Name:
    Farris Alnaqeeb
    I've lived in London for over 20 years.

    Enjoying nice weather with the top down is a big plus. I keep the 675 in Spain and dropping the top is a high plus. Just dropping the rear glass is a big plus.
    blkdiablo33 likes this.
  23. BrntRubber

    BrntRubber Karting

    Feb 18, 2020
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    Farris Alnaqeeb
    That's pretty shocking considering the age gap. I thought the pista engine in the f8 was next level. I was hoping combined with a good exhaust and it could be even better than a 675.

    The 812 is very sexy but I wonder if it is so overpowered that one can't actually enjoy all that power.
  24. LVP488

    LVP488 F1 Veteran

    Jan 21, 2017
    Double-checking on the wiser internet, it seems F8 / 675 performances are actually well matched; stiffness of a carbon tub should still have the upper hand.
    Regarding the 812, its running costs are probably higher, but it's not overpowered - with the mid-front engine layout and the rear wheels steering, it has a very good agility (even though it cannot completely hide its weight). And I would define the V12 power as addictive, not frightening.
    RoadRonin, blkdiablo33 and BrntRubber like this.
  25. BrntRubber

    BrntRubber Karting

    Feb 18, 2020
    Full Name:
    Farris Alnaqeeb
    So do u find on spirited drives your going full throttle often or are you hesitant due to fear of losing control?

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