[FCA DFW] Norwood Performance Tech Day - Nov. 15th 9am | FerrariChat

[FCA DFW] Norwood Performance Tech Day - Nov. 15th 9am

Discussion in 'Texas' started by rob lay, Nov 3, 2003.

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  1. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    Nov 15 Tech Session @Norwood Performance 9am. Spend several hours asking technical questions and watching technical procedures by qualified mechanics. To get general information please contact Rob Lay at [email protected].

    Please let me know what topics you would like James and Ken to discus.
  2. jimpo1

    jimpo1 Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Jul 30, 2001
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Jim E
    My car is available if they'd like to 'demonstrate' an oil change!
  3. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    Yes, if they really want to show us stuff to take business away from them, well that's up to them. :)

    I'll give them a list and in the end they can do what they want.

    Here's the list so far...

    1) What and how to check on your own between oil changes.

    2) How to change the oil.

    3) Getting ready for the track and what to watch at the track.

    4) Description of power train flow from gas/air all the way through to rear wheels.

    5) Description of turbo systems.

    6) History and evolution of Ferrari engines.

    What else?
  4. RicersRule

    RicersRule Rookie

    Nov 3, 2003
  5. F328 BobD

    F328 BobD Formula 3

    Mar 17, 2001
    Southlake, TX
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    Sounds like fun... hope to make this!

    BobD ---> F328 BobD
  6. GrigioGuy

    GrigioGuy Splenda Daddy
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 26, 2001
    E ' ' '/ F
    Full Name:
    Holden Toyerbutz
    Brake how-tos. How to change the pads, bleed, etc.

    How to test plug wires and extenders.

    15000 mile valve adjustment :)
  7. 348 spy

    348 spy Formula Junior

    Nov 17, 2002
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    how about ihop at 8:00am.
  8. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    Is there one close by? Sounds good to me.
  9. 348 spy

    348 spy Formula Junior

    Nov 17, 2002
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    2 sunny side up . 1 looking at me and one looking at the Fcar.i dont no of any place around there.
  10. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    Does Jack in the box do breakfeast? Not that I like anyone to jack in my box.
  11. GrigioGuy

    GrigioGuy Splenda Daddy
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 26, 2001
    E ' ' '/ F
    Full Name:
    Holden Toyerbutz
  12. greg512tr

    greg512tr Formula Junior

    Feb 19, 2002
    Dallas TX
    Full Name:
    Greg B
    Here is a request..probably simple for a lot of people but how about bleeding the radiaters in a TR when you add water. I have never done it but have heard its a common issue that owner don't do correctly. This goes in the catagory of things the owners should check in between services.
  13. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    James' wife is doing something up for breakfeast, I don't know what, but I'm just going to do that.
  14. jimpo1

    jimpo1 Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Jul 30, 2001
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Jim E
    Due to last weekends rain, my kids soccer games were cancelled. Anybody want to guess when they've been rescheduled? 10 and 10:30 am on Saturday. I guess I won't be making this event, but if you're all going for lunch afterwards I could probably make that?
  15. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    Yes, Humperdinks afterwards for lunch and beer.
  16. JimSchad

    JimSchad Guest

    I'll be sitting at my desk working on this product due out next Friday. This just sucks.
  17. GrigioGuy

    GrigioGuy Splenda Daddy
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 26, 2001
    E ' ' '/ F
    Full Name:
    Holden Toyerbutz
  18. GrigioGuy

    GrigioGuy Splenda Daddy
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 26, 2001
    E ' ' '/ F
    Full Name:
    Holden Toyerbutz
    How about a run to the Lambo of Dallas open house after lunch?
  19. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    See everyone tomorrow morning, 9am.
  20. icars

    icars Formula Junior

    Mar 28, 2002
    Plano Texas
    Full Name:
    Rodney Haas
    Any idea of when you guys are meeting for lunch? I might be able to tear away from baking for a while. Baking many cookies for our home owners association dinner tomorrow night.

  21. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    I have no idea when we'll make it over to Humperdinks, I would imagine just after 12. You can call me at to see tomorrow.
  22. BigAl

    BigAl F1 Veteran

    Mar 17, 2002
    Full Name:
    GSgt Hartman
    I hope there'll be pics.
  23. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    It was a great event. Thanks to James, Ken, Mike, and special guest Harold Pace. James' wife prepared an awesome breakfeast for us with breakfeast burritos, muffins, and fruit.

    Harold Pace is an automotive historian and writer. He's been published in several magazines and has written the 308 rebuild articles for Norwoods in Forza and an upcoming aritcle in Forza on the TR tubro systems.

    Harold took us through the history of Ferrari with a focus on how the various engines developed over the years.
  24. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    James then talked through his experience over the years with the Ferraris. Great information like he's only had 3 Ferraris ever come in with a broken belt. He said all of those had more than 10 years on the belts too. Basically, they will stretch and might get a couple teeth off on the timing before they'll break.
  25. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    We then gathered around a 328 that they're doing a major on and showed various things like how he adjusts the valves.

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