Ferrai to pay for 3rd Sauber? | FerrariChat

Ferrai to pay for 3rd Sauber?

Discussion in 'Other Racing' started by yesod, Jan 24, 2004.

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  1. yesod

    yesod Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
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  2. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    It is a good move from Ferrari because a) they're the only leading Bridgestone team (as the article correctly states) and b) the Sauber this year is basically last year's Ferrari with this year's engine, so results are comparable.

    The money will probably not really be transferred, after all Sauber pays Ferrari 20 Mio for the engines. So basically they'll get a discount.

    And I think there is more to the story: Not totally sure on this, but I believe this is the year where the big teams are supposed to give the engines away to the smaller teams so they can survive. Well, Ferrari could now make the point that they already discounted the engine fee by 25%.
  3. Auraraptor

    Auraraptor F1 World Champ
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    Sep 25, 2002
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    Well played by Ferrari.
  4. 96impalaSS

    96impalaSS F1 Rookie

    Dec 8, 2003
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    If you ask me judging from this quote its better than well played, but masterfully played.Ferrari is number One for a couple reasons and there logic must be one of them.

    "Ferrari could push development that little bit faster, but also benefit from being able to run a pseudo-third car of their own. This would make their decision about tyres for the Grand Prix weekend easier and the team would not risk putting too many miles on the single engines each race car is allowed during the weekend."

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