Ferrari 575M or Lamborghini Murcielago? | FerrariChat

Ferrari 575M or Lamborghini Murcielago?

Discussion in '456/550/575' started by kizdan, Jan 23, 2004.

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Ferrari 575M or Lamborghini Murcielago?

  1. Ferrari 575M

  2. Lamborghini Murcielago

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  1. kizdan

    kizdan F1 Veteran

    Dec 31, 2003
    Ferrari 575M or Lamborghini Murcielago?
  2. JH

    JH F1 Veteran

    Nov 14, 2002
    Odense, Denmark
    Full Name:
    Jonas H.
    Pleeease, why did you have to start this thread? :( Now we gonna have a big discussion with Ellen again :(
  3. kizdan

    kizdan F1 Veteran

    Dec 31, 2003
    Who's Ellen???
  4. t88power

    t88power Formula 3

    Feb 19, 2001
    Puerto Rico
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    Oh no.. now Allan's blood pressure will go through the roof again and wont get any sleep! Why do you guys keep tormenting him? He is going to die of a heart attack, and its going to be F-Chat's fault! I forecast at least 20 posts by Allan on this thread.... You guys always get the better of him!! LOL!!!


    PS. DEFINITELY the 575M... unless youre a pimp with the bling bling or need to have people staring at you all the time with the rolling carnival show... LOL...
  5. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
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    Mr. Doody
    since you can't get murcies for short-money, i assumed the question was apple-dollars to apple-dollars --- so a new 575 -vs- a new murcie.

    imo, that's a no-brainer: murcie since you can get used maranellos for comparatively short-money.

    plus the murcie won't have the near-term depreciation of the 575 (at least the markets aren't demonstrating that as a percentage it's as bad - time will tell).

    why are you guys bashing the murcie? it's a damn-neat, serious-ass car!

    i'm not a fan of the gallardo at all, but the murcie is a bona-fide non-poseur in my book!

  6. mike550

    mike550 Formula Junior

    Aug 20, 2003
    California - LA & SF
    Full Name:
    Mike G
    stay tuned - she will be here shortly
  7. Chiaro_Slag

    Chiaro_Slag F1 Veteran

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I went with the Murcie - I like it's exotic looks more. :)
  8. Juice It

    Juice It F1 Rookie

    Sep 22, 2002
    Maryland (DC Suburb)
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    Murci in a heartbeat. Has the looks and power the 575 just doesn't have. Plus as Doody said you can get a 550 for half the money of a Murci.
  9. Tyler

    Tyler F1 Rookie

    Dec 19, 2001
    dusty old farm town
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    Murcie for me. Incredible car all the way around.


    Aug 20, 2001
    East Coast
    Full Name:
    Jon K.
    Murci as well.

    I bet Allan is calling up every live soul he knows and asking them to log into Ferrarichat to vote for the Murci.

    Hey, Allan you can only vote once under your name!!!!!!!!!!


    Jon P. Kofod
  11. amenasce

    amenasce Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 17, 2001
    Full Name:
    Joe Mansion
    575 maranello.
  12. Mako99

    Mako99 Formula Junior

    Dec 29, 2003
    Murci, it's not even close.

    As far as it being a "rolling carnival show" and all that, well you have to put up with the staring if you're going to be banging Pam Anderson.

    PS - No one here is ever critical of the TR for the same thing, that car is as much of a showstopper today as a Murci is. Stop whining.
  13. ferrari_kid

    ferrari_kid Formula Junior

    Jul 5, 2003
    they don't seem like the same type of car, i mean the 575 is more of a gt car and the murci is a lot more aggressive in every sense. which is why my vote would go for the murci.
  14. Let's put it this way, if someone gave me a brand-new 575M I'd burn it to the ground and use the insurance money to get a Murcielago.
  15. Mark(study)

    Mark(study) F1 Veteran

    Oct 13, 2001
    Clearwater, FL
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  16. Mako99

    Mako99 Formula Junior

    Dec 29, 2003
    lol, Allan himself couldn't have put that any better.
  17. t88power

    t88power Formula 3

    Feb 19, 2001
    Puerto Rico
    Full Name:
    Yes, thanks! The Murcie is the Pam Anderson of exotic italian cars! LOL.... I wouldnt touch her with a ten foot pole!

    Some people dont want to up up with the staring and dont need constant attention from strangers... thats what happens when you drive one of these rolling carnival shows with scoops and spoilers and swing up doors and chrome and graphics all over the sides, etc etc. Its attention some people actually DONT want...

  18. Juice It

    Juice It F1 Rookie

    Sep 22, 2002
    Maryland (DC Suburb)
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    So you are saying people don't buy Ferraris for attention? Give me a break! Why spend the extra money over a vette then? If you do not want attention, neither car makes sense.
  19. amenasce

    amenasce Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 17, 2001
    Full Name:
    Joe Mansion
    maybe..just maybe the driving feel ? the driving experience.
  20. t88power

    t88power Formula 3

    Feb 19, 2001
    Puerto Rico
    Full Name:
    You miss the point if you are buying a car to get attention.. Just walk around naked, dye your hair purple, and hang a sign around your neck that says "I NEED ATTENTION"... youll get plenty that way for free...

  21. Mako99

    Mako99 Formula Junior

    Dec 29, 2003
    Uh, did anyone here SAY they're picking the Murci over the 575M for the attention?

    Get off it guy, and let's get real. You wouldn't turn down a TR for all the attention it gets would you? Or an Enzo for that matter?

    You're obviously F-car biased.

    Lighten up. They're all Italian sports cars, picking one marque over another is insane. Judge the cars for themselves, cheerleading is for girls.
  22. Juice It

    Juice It F1 Rookie

    Sep 22, 2002
    Maryland (DC Suburb)
    Full Name:

    Feel and experience aint worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Don't kid yourself if you think that people don't buy Exotic cars for status as well as to just tool around and never even use the car for anything close to what it can do you are wrong.
  23. Juice It

    Juice It F1 Rookie

    Sep 22, 2002
    Maryland (DC Suburb)
    Full Name:
    Just looked at your profile. Kinda funny you bought a bright yellow 360. Nothing screams "hey look at me" much louder than that!
  24. Mako99

    Mako99 Formula Junior

    Dec 29, 2003
    lol, OWNED.

    Yellow is for taxicabs and school buses. That people think it's a viable sportscar color these days is beyond me, but to each their own.
  25. saiid

    saiid Karting

    Jan 6, 2004
    London, UK
    Can someone explain why you would buy a 575M (Fiorano or not) over say a GT3 if its NOT about attention or the Ferrari heritage/image. The GT3 beats the 575M in value for money, track-times (e.g. 4.15 secs faster around Bedford according to Evo), reliability, service intervals, maintenance costs, resale, etc.

    Seriously, I'm not "trolling", I'm wondering what the criteria were when choosing this Ferrari over other possibilities. I ask this because I don't think the 575 M is a strong F-car. I think the 360 makes a much better case for itself. Anyone agree?

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