"FerrariChat" logo WAAAY over to the right | FerrariChat

"FerrariChat" logo WAAAY over to the right

Discussion in 'Report Bugs & Ask Questions' started by 4re gt4, Nov 3, 2003.

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  1. 4re gt4

    4re gt4 Formula 3

    Apr 23, 2002
    Roseburg, OR
    Full Name:
    Hans E. Hansen
    The FerrariChat.com logo/banner at the top of the page is way to the right, as are the various links immediately below it.

    Note that the rest of the forum is displayed normally - within the screen borders. And, yes, I'm sure positioning is dependent upon screen resolution, but as I view this on perhaps 8 different computers, it's difficult to maintain consistency.
  2. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    Same with mine on multiple computers with high-res. I have never been someone who kept windows as full size, simply because there's no need (plus multitasking is harder then).

  3. wax

    wax Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dirty Harry
    Your post is in exactly the right place.

    Below is similar complaint on another thread from a few days ago - wrong place to post a bug, though.
    http://ferrarichat.com/forum/showthread.php?t=152]Is the layout not rezising properly for anyone else?

    Single post from yet another thread: my take on table layout gets somewhat specific on http://ferrarichat.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1170&postcount=12]where the problem appears to be. But I want to play around with a mockup of this mess of a table on my puny Yahoo site to see what would work for one and all.
  4. wax

    wax Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dirty Harry
    #4 wax, Nov 6, 2003
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    Screenshot of 3 staggered IE Displays on 1 1024x768 screen:

    Top: Current layout at Full width

    Middle: Current layout at limit before top table becomes compressed due to text touching ads.

    Bottom: Modified Layout at limit before top table becomes compressed due to text touching ads.

    I also changed Visited Link Color to same as old board. Looks more obvious where you've been.

    Logo remains the same size throughout.

    Though not featured, I also made a smaller version of the aforementioned logo - it's size is 400x64 instead of current 450x75 - if you're interested.

    Reason: Advertisements are at 204x104
    Some browsers may be set at 640x480.

    450 + 204 = 654 (exceeds 640 width)
    400 + 204 = 604 (allows 36 pixels on sides for browser scrollbars and clear gifs)

    If you're interested in implementing any changes - don't simply copy/paste modifications from geocities/ferrariwax source page, as I saved some F-Chat stuff to Yahoo - then uploaded as "ferrariwax" image files. I'll let you know exactly what and where minor[/] code was changed in this example.

    Besides, some links may need order changed, as all I did was back them up a few spaces. This put search in the middle, sponsors on the far right, etc.

    Here's the top part of the page if you wanna see it:
    Image Unavailable, Please Login
  5. wax

    wax Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dirty Harry
    Further modded - Squeezebox is getting there now. Minimize window & slide sides in to get full effect.


    As noted on prior post - to fulfill 640 px page width, FerrariChat Logo should be slightly smaller. Otherwise, there'll be an overhang for the 640x480 crowd at all times because of side scrollbar (up & down) they're usually 15 px wide when at 1024x768 - up/down scrollbar gets wider at 640x480. Logo shrink isn't that discernible really - trimmed the fat around the actual text, then shrank.

    Just see if "squeezetable" is an acceptable start with logo at 475 px wide and links lining left (note that without cellpadding - it bangs right into sponsors - easy fix).

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