FOC address chatrooms issue | FerrariChat

FOC address chatrooms issue

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by simon355, Feb 13, 2004.

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  1. simon355

    simon355 Formula Junior

    Nov 23, 2003
    W.Yorkshire, UK.
    Full Name:
    Simon George
    Just looking at the latest issue of the FOC magazine in which the club chairman has obviously heard about the comments on this forum regarding regional FOC meeting and the club in general.To be fair to him he has asked for people to make contact to see if progress can be made in improving things.I know this has been discussed before but the problem in my view is that basically most of the events are too formal and regimented with loads of old guard members who are happy discussing the bloody stock market! There does'nt seem to be much awareness that lots of us just want to take the f cars out for a good thrashing,then go for a pint & some pie and peas! Especially 'ere up norf!!
  2. 355fiorano

    355fiorano Formula Junior

    Oct 21, 2003
    Full Name:
    I read this column too and i thought he had some fair points i.e that the club is manned by volunteers that do this in their free time and that they cannot know of all conversations and suggestions happening on the web. The best thing is that he has invited people to speak to the club who will try and do what its members want. I must say that although I am distantly cynical of the politicing that goes on, the club puts on a good event packed year and the track days I have been on have been excelent. i am really greatful for that.
  3. ferrari_e_basta

    ferrari_e_basta Karting

    Nov 1, 2003
    nr Nurburgring, GER
    Full Name:
    Helmut Schnug

    I'm also a member of the FOC since many years and know some of the guys who are working extremely hard to make other members happy and to create superb area events and the big "National Meet & Concours".

    The FOC runs two club championships - the Pirelli Maranello Ferrari Challenge and the FOC Hill Climb Championship.

    The FOC is publisher of a superb, informative and good looking Quaterly magazine ( which I'm a regular contributor) and a bi-monthly b/w one - Ferrari news.

    The FOC has its own fantastic website, esp. the "happenings section". The whole site is managed by Christian Mineeff only and in his free time (evenings and weekends) - this should be mentioned and I have a big respect !!

    I'm German and know the European Ferrari scenery very well indeed. And I must say, the FOC UK is DEFINITIVELY the best Ferrari club all over Europe.
    There are about 2450 (?) members, a lot of enthusiasts from outside the UK inclusive.

    I have read the Club Secretaries column in the current issue of Ferrari news and he is always open for new ideas and to get people who can help to improve.

    Please do NOT forget the following situation:
    The FOC UK has a long tradition and is fully respected by Ferrari S.p.A. That means that Ferrari is carefully watching what is going on in the FOC's print publications and the website.

    I fully understand why it would be difficult to have a day-to-day running via
    a forum. I find a lot of "bad words" on Ferrari related chat rooms, stupid postings, unanswerable questions and some private threads which shouldn't be published. (also on FChat)

    I have an indelible impression that a small group of chaters use a forum just to get admiration and to win the record of postings.

    Well - not everything is bad on forums for sure but don't forget:
    BIG BROTHER (Ferrari S.p.A.) is watching the official clubs.

    Finally I also have to say:
    Move your bottom and send Peter Everingham your ideas and suggestions but ecept, if something is NOT practical.
    peter@[email protected]

    Best regards
    Helmut Schnug (proud to be member of the FOC)
    [email protected]
  4. tonyh

    tonyh F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Dec 23, 2002
    S W London
    Full Name:
    Tony H
    I saw the FOC column too and think Mr Everingham has gone a long way to addressing the problems we've experienced at grass roots level by opening up the FOC to comments and suggestions as to how things should be improved.As long as this translates into Regional Area meetings being better organised -which appears to be happening-then we'll all be happy.
    As mentioned below, the FOC web site is very well organised and contains some very interesting articles and i have no problem in giving praise where it's due,to Christian.
    The bottom line for me is that i want to particpate in well organised events with fellow and likeminded F car owners'. In all liklehood, this will involve a meet up at a pub, have a chat for a couple o' hours and then enjoy a blast out in a F car convoy somewhere.And i think that's what most other owners' are looking for as well.
  5. RAY430RED

    RAY430RED Formula 3

    Nov 1, 2003
    Marlborough Wilts
    Full Name:
    Ray F
    Helmut I agree with every word you have written I have been a member since 1988 I have been all over Europe on Club trips i have raced in the PMFC Hillclimbed in the hill climb Championship Concours Trackdays There must be some event you can drive to or compete in nearly every weekend if your prepared to put in the effort The events are all very well and safely organised by Peter and Suzanne and a fantastic band of mainly PHR helpers And contary to some peoples ideas of a typical FOC member most want to drive and use there cars to the full

    Ray 360m (also VERY proud to be a FOC member)
  6. 360CS

    360CS F1 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    Full Name:
    Joe J
    I agree with Tony on this, I for one will draft a letter to the Club secretary with my own opinions, however the club is a fantastic organisation and offers excellant events and opportunities,these cover a wide variety of different aspects of what individuals want and expect from the club.

    I read the bi-monthly and completly agree with comments, that its contents and issues are very interesting. The Colour magazine is a credit to the people who compile the info to produce an equally interesting issue.

    I for one look forward to recieving the issues with great interest to its contents.

    I dont think anyone on this site has ever made direct comment towards the way the club runs as a whole, just small elements which could do with review to benefit others who want to become more involved.

    And i for one am looking forward to more involvement within my area meetings.
  7. chaa

    chaa F1 Veteran

    Mar 21, 2003
    The only thing i personly got from the FOC was the magazine,my mates took the piss out of me and even bought me a flat cap (B****DS) i am more of a wear oakly, listen to heavy bass watch MTV type of guy as opposed to quaint sunday afternoon drives in the country,stopping of at quite little pubs for a little chat in me flat cap. I think the FOC should shake of the old boy immage, alot of my mates own ferraris and thats there perseption of the FOC.Hey me and my mates take our ferraris to Hooters for crying out loud, sad we know but were ok with that.
  8. 360CS

    360CS F1 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    Full Name:
    Joe J
    #8 360CS, Feb 14, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017


    Whatever floats your boat, but are you saying that theres anything wrong in people turning out in their Flat cap ( as long as its Ferrari) and being thenselves??

    People are what they are, and we all need some flexability to except them for thier own values......

    and whats (Hooters) a wine bar in Derby??
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  9. tonyh

    tonyh F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Dec 23, 2002
    S W London
    Full Name:
    Tony H

    MMMM.Interesting point, prob worthy of a seperate thread with regard to " typical image of F car driver ".....Can't see how meeting your friends at the pub , followed by a drive out equates to wearing a flat cap!
  10. tonyh

    tonyh F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Dec 23, 2002
    S W London
    Full Name:
    Tony H
    The only "HOOTERS" i know of is in the USA and it's a burger joint staffed by Jordan lookalikes.....which isn't a bad thing at all!
  11. chaa

    chaa F1 Veteran

    Mar 21, 2003
    Hi 360 spider. i have nothing against the flat cap brigade becourse lets face it in the uk its the norm among the ferrari and Rolls brigade.I just think that there are certain things that the uk has to do to pull its self out of the dark ages and move on .You know there are alot of ferrari owners who think the same. HOOTERS you have never heard of Hooters. Its big in the USA its where girls serve you food and drinks in little cheeky shorts and t-shirts, and the places are very trendy, they are famous throughout the usa and are sponsers of many sporting events.Well there is one in Nottingham and its the only one in the UK,very nice place and the place to be seen and is open all day and closes late,alot of footballers go there.Good beer and food. Very cool place with lots of parking for cars and bikes. See ya there.
  12. chaa

    chaa F1 Veteran

    Mar 21, 2003
    Tony its not just my perseption, it is the general perseption. Ask jo public what he thinks owners of ferraris do in ferrari clubs.
  13. tonyh

    tonyh F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Dec 23, 2002
    S W London
    Full Name:
    Tony H

    just posted a seperate thread on this .Most of the F car owners i've met are in their 30's-early 40's, and are very successful in their chosen profession and have bought a Ferrari because it represents everything they've ever worked for.Not one had a flat cap !!! Few baseball ones tho'....
  14. simon355

    simon355 Formula Junior

    Nov 23, 2003
    W.Yorkshire, UK.
    Full Name:
    Simon George
    ooh crikey,did'nt mean to stir up a hornets nest!! Must get to the next meeting and see if anythings changed!! Tally ho chaps,chocks away....
  15. 360CS

    360CS F1 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    Full Name:
    Joe J
    #15 360CS, Feb 14, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017

    Thanks chaa,

    ive not been out in Notts for a good 2 yrs now but travel the rest of the country plenty, Flares, Walkabout,O,neills, Bar risa etc etc etc..

    Just hadnt heard of Hooters in UK.mmmm have to give that a call..Jordan u say tony??? well theres two good reasons to bump into Kate again.........I wouldnt go in Fcar tho its a bit far for an afternoon driveout..maybe see you on the Fchat National meet??

    And as far as pulling from the past..your prob right Chaa, but lets be fair here , you carnt expect the elder and wiser members to adjust for us young fcar guys....respect should also be the order of the day..imo.
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  16. kenyon

    kenyon F1 Rookie

    Oct 7, 2002
    East Yorkshire
    Full Name:
    Justin Kenyon
    Did any one look at the FOC Annual Accounts Booklet - What a Joke......

    Over £750,000 pounds in the FOC account and tea and coffee cannot be supplied free of charge at the Ferrari Events.... Why ??????

    Its funny that the chairman recieves a income of £45,000 a year from the FOC and we the members have to organise more events ourselves.
    Its seems like the area groups have to organise the events and not the main club.

    All the main FOC events are moving closer to the south, leaving Northern FOC members to travel further. The FOC scotland members have no chance.

    I just feel the member are getting a raw deal and club could do more for its members.

    The FOC need more events....
  17. MarkCollins

    MarkCollins F1 Rookie

    Jul 2, 2002
    South England
    Full Name:
    Mark Collins


    I think it's the secretary that gets the money isn't it? not the Chairman! I'm no huge fan of the Club although IMHO some of the events they organise are good and the magazines are brilliant by comparison to other clubs however I wouldn't do what Peter does for £45k!

    Please don't take the following in the wrong way but if you really have an issue with the value they offer then why not leave the club?
  18. kenyon

    kenyon F1 Rookie

    Oct 7, 2002
    East Yorkshire
    Full Name:
    Justin Kenyon
    The club is good in many ways. The Ferrari club is heading in the same direction has the Porsche club did as I see it.

    The FOC hold good events and if your not a member is almost in possible to attend the events. No further comment.

    The main national concours could be held in the north maybe at haywood house and more central in the UK?

    I been asked by The FOC today to retract my statement that I made earlier. I will oblige to keep the peace but also I have my thoughts on the club and I can express my thoughts freely.

    Maybe I was out of line with regard to monies paid to the committe and Peter Everingham. No comment made about Jack Sears though.

    Kindest Regards
    Your fully paid member.
  19. wazza

    wazza Formula Junior

    Oct 9, 2003


    Without trying to get you in any more trouble with the FOC can you explain which direction the Porsche club went in.
    I've never owned one and hence not really sure what you mean.?

  20. Rosso Badger

    Rosso Badger Guest

    Jan 17, 2004
    Full Name:
    Al Boswell
    In reading through the Club accounts it transpires that the amount you said was paid to the 'Chairman' is in fact paid to Eviva Management Services, of which Peter and his wife are partners. It says that the amount covers 'fees, office and travel expenses' and is not therefore just a wage. Sounds cheap at the price too me!

    Jack Sears, the Chairman, receives no fees according to the accounts, so I don't quite know what your mention of his name alludes to.

    Also, it says in Ferrari News that the reserve is being built up to acquire a Club property. That I really look forward to, and I've heard mention of a proper library, display facilities, etc, which i know that other motor clubs have and which are very popular with their members.

  21. wazza

    wazza Formula Junior

    Oct 9, 2003
    I like the sound of this.

    I hope it's going to be near a race track and have a nice big car park for
    But £750,000 !!!. Wow !!!
    That would be a a damn good car park !! and should have enough left over for a reasonable club house too.

  22. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
    Full Name:
    #22 BigTex, Feb 16, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    Here gang!

    From Houston, Texas, home of NUMEROUS Hooter's, is a pic of the typical "business asset". Didn't want to hijack the thread, just a quick visual.
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  23. mal

    mal Formula Junior

    Jan 12, 2004
    Looks good to me! Can you tell me how to get hold of those assets!!
  24. ferrari_e_basta

    ferrari_e_basta Karting

    Nov 1, 2003
    nr Nurburgring, GER
    Full Name:
    Helmut Schnug
    Really bad words published on a public forum. I wonder why you're still a member. The FOC UK is DEFINITIVELY the most best, the most active and the most accurate Ferrari Club all over Europe, believe it or even not - I look
    inside six other Ferrari Clubs and can tell you, each £ of your membership fee is worth its prize.

    Your comment is the proof why the FOC shouldn't held a day-to-day running.

    Helmut (a happy FOC member)
    [email protected]
  25. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
    Full Name:
    Too late. Note the left hand.....

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