FORZA | FerrariChat

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  1. Challenge

    Challenge Formula 3

    Sep 27, 2002
    Full Name:
    The better half got me a FORZA subscription for Christmas and the first issue came yesterday. It's April. I know there are only 8 issues/yr, but that's 3 months out. Why?
  2. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Magazines always are a month ahead of the real time. Don't know why. Second a Forza subscription puts it into your hands about a month ahead of the newspaper stands. And third as you say it comes out only 8 times.

    However I was surprised too to see that.

    A bit heavy on the 360 side. About every possible configuration and story of the 360 covered in this edition.
  3. udalmia

    udalmia Guest

    360?!?! damn where can i get that in usa? is it on stands?
  4. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    All you ever wanted to know about tuning a 360.

    Barnes & Noble in about 3 weeks
  5. Bryan

    Bryan Formula 3

    Forza (worth the subscription, BTW, give your Significant Other a BIG kiss) is published Feb, April, May, June, August, October, November, and December. Issues cope ahead of the actual month. Since Feb is already gone, the next month is April. Look on the bright side, you get the next two issues fairly close together!!
  6. YellowMaranello

    Jan 7, 2004
    Mount Holly, NJ
    Full Name:
    Pete Gold
    Where can you subscribe in the US? All I've seen are UK subscription cards...

    EDIT: Nevermind, I'm thinking of EVO.
  7. WFO_Racer

    WFO_Racer Karting

    Nov 5, 2003
    Newport Beach Ca
    Forza big thumbs down. Cavallino better publication accurate stories. I suscribed to Forza until issue 46 didn't get another issue for a few months. Called and spoke with Rachael at Ross asked them to look into my missing issues. She said there was nothing she could for me but "suggested I could buy missing issues at twice the newstand price". I had also suscribed to Excellence their Porsche publication. They charged my Amex card but never sent a issue. She admitted it was their fault no apology . I asked for a refund on Excellence and credit for the remainder of unreceived Forza issues. It took two months and a call from a high ranking buddy at Amex who told Rachael he would see about pulling their ability to accept Amex to get my refund.

    Funny thing about it is when I spoke to her about several inaccuracies in their Forza articles she said she didn't read the magazine. Wanted to slap her like I owned her.
  8. Bryan

    Bryan Formula 3

    Just to balance the picture. I bought the first 4 issues on the newstand, then subscribed and have subscribed since then. I have never missed an issue and never had a problem with credit card charges.
  9. Prugna 328

    Prugna 328 Formula 3

    Sep 10, 2003
    Full Name:
    Yes I agree Cavallino is prob. more accurate, but I find Forza more readable. No?
  10. WFO_Racer

    WFO_Racer Karting

    Nov 5, 2003
    Newport Beach Ca
    Do a search in the old F-Chat board and you will find some Forza gems: Rolands F40LM ,Chris Parr's story at Buttonwillow (I was there), the guy from New Orleans who they insulted and printed a retraction calling his F50 the rattiest car they had seen. Their stuff is mostly fluff and ad's. Owner's magazine is ok ,and like I said Cavallino has quality articles and less fluff.

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