Front Camera angle adjustment | FerrariChat

Front Camera angle adjustment

Discussion in 'FF/Lusso' started by Yellow355, Dec 13, 2020.

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  1. Yellow355

    Yellow355 Karting

    Oct 4, 2006
    Southern California
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    The low view of the front camera on my Lusso isn't low enough so by the time a see an object to the bottom of the screen, the object is still over a foot away. Has anyone try to adjust the front camera to point it lower to the ground?
    Netpark likes this.
  2. Netpark

    Netpark Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 16, 2012
    Did you ever find out if it’s possible to adjust the camera? Just bought a Lusso and I have the same problem. The whole point of the front camera is to see how close you are to the curb.
  3. Yellow355

    Yellow355 Karting

    Oct 4, 2006
    Southern California
    Full Name:
    No, I haven't done anything yet, but if I ever have too much time on my hands, I'll take apart the front bumper to see if the mounting angle can ben changed to point the camera lower. Unfortunately, I don't think there's an easy way to lower the camera's field of view.

    What about newer Ferraris, do their front cameras all point too far upwards? Anyone?
  4. Netpark

    Netpark Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 16, 2012
    I had an 812 and it’s the same camera angle as the Lusso.

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