Goofy 308 Speedometer - red lined over 85 mph | FerrariChat

Goofy 308 Speedometer - red lined over 85 mph

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by dave80gtsi, Nov 25, 2003.

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  1. dave80gtsi

    dave80gtsi Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 3, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dave Meredith
    I am one of those 'lucky' folks who has the speedometer which has no numbers, but a red line instead, above 85 mph. The look seems to me to be quite dated, and I'd like to redo it.

    Is there a vendor who has a replacement faceplate for the speedo which has proper numbers? Or, can I retrofit an earlier or later model instrument which gets the red out? What have those of you also in my situation done?
  2. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Remove the speedo and mail to Palo Alto Speedomeeter, they can do the modification to the face for them for pricing. It is not a DIY.
  3. Dave

    Dave F1 Rookie

    Apr 15, 2001
    Little Rock
    Full Name:
    David Jones
    Hey Dave,
    ditto on what Dave said.
    But why would you ever need to go higher than 85mph?
  4. 4re gt4

    4re gt4 Formula 3

    Apr 23, 2002
    Roseburg, OR
    Full Name:
    Hans E. Hansen
    That line is actually at 88mph, and is where the flux capacitor kicks in.
  5. jmillard308

    jmillard308 F1 Veteran

    May 29, 2003
    Perth West Oz
    Full Name:
    John Millard
    Probably because he can :)

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