Heritage Certificate | FerrariChat

Heritage Certificate

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by Spasso, Feb 12, 2004.

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  1. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    I have seen reference to these in the archives but was unable to find anything relating to EXACTLY what information is required in the 'EngineTYPE' and 'Transmission TYPE' blanks.

    According to my records I have the original engine and transmission in my '78 308 GTS. I have filled in all of the 'other' blanks with the necessary serial numbers but keep getting the statement '.............engine type does not match internal data transmssion type does not match internal data'.

    Thanks all for any help, DJ
  2. Dom

    Dom F1 Veteran

    Nov 5, 2002
    #2 Dom, Feb 12, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    For my 308 GT4,

    Engine Type: F106A Engine Serial #: 01256
    Trans Type: F106AL Trans Serial #: 1254

    Those are the numbers I used, worked fine for me. IIRC Hans Hansen also had some difficulty getting his. I don't remember what he entered for the type and serial #'s.

    Hope this helps.

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  3. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    Thanks Dom.
    I'll try using just the series number without the serial number after. "F106AS" for the engine and "F106AL" for the transaxle.

    Too bad they couldn't be more explicit.

  4. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Augustine Staino
    I was curious of this myself. Where could I find these numbers on my 328? Would they be underneath the car? Thanks.
  5. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    The engine number on mine is just forward of the right rear carburetor, in the valley between the front and rear carbs on the passenger side. It read 00922

    The transmission number I found stamped on the left rear (I think) corner of the transmission sump (the bottom) The serial number was 4385 and next to it was the series number F106AL then a manufacturing stamp M4

    Not sure about the newer cars.

  6. Mule

    Mule F1 Rookie
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Did it work? I tried it last year, and got he message, "We are sorry, but there is not a Heritage Certificate available for your car. We only have them available up to 1969."

    But Dom seems to have gotten it to work.
  7. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    Hi Mule,
    I won't be home to try again until 5:00 pm Pacific time today so hopefully by then I'll have some new combinations to try.

    I have heard numerous accounts of our GT4 bretheren getting them on their post 1969 cars so we should be able to also. According to the site the certificates should be available up to 1980 (the beginning of the 17 digit VIN codes. I would be interested to hear from a GTS/B owner to confirm that though.

  8. Mule

    Mule F1 Rookie
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Hopefully it works for you, but 1980 still knocks me out. Can I photocopy yours and change the 0 to a 2 in the 308 title?
  9. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    I retried the online form 3 times in a row using the same information and got two different responses including the one that says, "............not available for your car etc..........blah blah blah" .

    I have resorted to using the direct contact option provided with a nicely composed letter. Maybe that will work. I think that is what Hans Hansen had to do for his GT4.

    I let you know how it turns out.

  10. Mike328

    Mike328 F1 Rookie

    Oct 19, 2002
    Boulder, CO
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    The 1969 limitation is for "Build Sheets," while Heritage Certificates should be available for our 308s/328s.

    I have found direct contact via that email form with "Ferrari Customer Care" to be very effective and have gotten some 10 emails answered within a two or three day turnaround.

    I know it's long, but I thought I would post a response I received from them here. This email was in response to my inquiry about build sheets (which of course don't exist for our cars).

    We would like to inform you that since build sheets are available only for Ferraris produced between 1947 and 1968, we are not able to issue this document for your Ferrari 308 GTS.

    However, we are pleased to provide you with the car data we have at our disposal: your Ferrari 308 GTS was produced in February 1978. The original factory specification external colour was Marrone 106-M-73 with Pelle Testa di moro VM 890 interior.

    Moreover, we inform you that on www.owners.ferrari.com, the Heritage Certificate of your car is available and can be downloaded in PDF format directly from the website.

    In order to request the document, please enter the 'Classiche' section, position your mouse on 'Historic archive' and click on 'Heritage certificate'.

    You can then fill in the request form by entering your car model, the chassis number, the engine type and number, the gearbox type and number and the rear axle type and number. Please note that the chassis number has to be entered as follows:


    Once you have sent in your request, Ferrari will carry out the necessary checks in order to issue this document.

    As we wish to provide as efficient a service as possible, should you need any further assistance, we would be pleased to make the request on your behalf directly from our offices.

    Please provide us with your access keys along with all the required data and we will take care to apply for the document.

    We remain at your complete disposal for any further information you may need.

    Kind regards,

    Ferrari Customer Care
  11. Mule

    Mule F1 Rookie
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 25, 2003
    Full Name:
    Excellent, thanks Mike.
  12. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    Thanks Mike,
    The required entries for Engine type and Transmission type is still vague though.

    What did you enter for yours?

    Thanks, DJ
  13. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    After writing a letter to customer service they told me they have a Heritage Certificate for my 308. They asked me to resend the information on the car, my username and password used on the owners site and they would contact me.

    Updates later.....................
  14. Mule

    Mule F1 Rookie
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 25, 2003
    Full Name:
    "Heritage Certificates are available for all carburettor models produced up until 1980. In a few isolated instances it may not be possible to check all the relevant information, and in such cases Ferrari is unable to provide the certificate."

    Still out of luck with my 1989 (and FI). I will have to copy Spasso's if he gets it to work.
  15. Peter

    Peter F1 Veteran
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 21, 2000
    B.C., Canada
    Mule, if you're curious to learn history of your car, or verify its authenticity, (unless you're aware of it already) I know someone who is running a 328 register that has direct contacts with the factory. Send me an email for more info.
  16. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    Sure thing but try Peter's suggestion first. I think you'll luck out and get what you are needing.

    ............now if I can find a factory contact for carbed 308's.................................................

  17. Mule

    Mule F1 Rookie
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 25, 2003
    Full Name:
    Thanks, Peter. I do have all of the service records and original dealer paperwork since new, so I don't think there are any gaps in the history that I don't know about. It matches what CARFAX says, if that means anything. I was lucky to get a one-owner car who was very meticulous.

    I was trying to get the Heritage Certificate as a "nice to have" to add to the file for myslef and the next possible owner. I may still contact you and see what comes up, though.
  18. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    Something I noticed on the engine today. The serial is F106AE-00922. Most I have seen were F106A or F106AS. I think that is where I made my mistake with the engine TYPE data.

    Still waiting to hear from Guido in Maranello.
    Updates later, DJ
  19. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    Okay everybody, it worked!
    I was notified by Email today from customer service in Maranello instructing me to go to the owners site and I would be able to download the heritage certificate for my car.

    After I signed in I went to the L/H sidebar menu and clicked on Historic Document Archive.

    After the next page loaded I went to the content index on the right and clicked on Heritage Certificate.

    This last page is the submission form normally used to apply for a certificate. Customer service instructed me to scroll down to the yellow box on the right and there was my car listed in the box as "308 GTS(XXXX)-26581".I clicked on the box and a PDF version of the certificate came up. I saved it to my :C drive, Documents and printed a copy.

    In order for your car to appear in the yellow box, customer service MUST have your user name and password for the site. Be sure to include the ENTIRE engine number, the first half is type and the last is the serial.

    The information on the document covers as follows;

    308 GTS (XXXX)

    Nr. Matricola

    Motore tipo

    Colore esterno carozzeria
    Giallo Fly 20-Y-490

    Colore interni
    Pella Nera VM 8500

    Data di fabbricazione

    There is a certificate number at the top and other Italian looking "stuff".

    Good luck everyone!
  20. Peter

    Peter F1 Veteran
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 21, 2000
    B.C., Canada
    Congrats DJ!
  21. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    Oddly, the serial numbers of the engine and transaxle were not displayed on the certificate. I guess that is where the more 'advanced' form comes into play with the more stringent proof of ownership requirements and the 500.00 fee.

    No big, it will look okay framed and hanging in the shop.

  22. 8valve

    8valve Formula 3

    Sep 3, 2003
    Full Name:
    Mick A.
    #22 8valve, Feb 28, 2005
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    Here is mine! Received it today. On the site it says they can provide these for (almost) all carburetted cars made until 1980, but I guess they mean up until and INCLUDING 1980. I'm happy....
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  23. Jdubbya

    Jdubbya The $10 Trillion Man
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 28, 2003
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    I just stumbled across the request form on the owner's site the other day. Then came and looked here!

    While I had the car in the air today doing an oil change I jotted down the gearbox numbers and submitted it all online. Hopefully it will go through and I will be able to get my certificate as well. I'm really curious because I don't think mine is the original color. We'll see.

    The real strange part was the engine serial number F106AE-00078 (on a '78 308!!). I thought for sure I was looking at the wrong spot!
  24. thecarreaper

    thecarreaper F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 30, 2003
    i will try the customer service thing too. i have recieved no info for 23785, 20433 or 09362. three down........ :)

    i need a V12 .............
  25. Jdubbya

    Jdubbya The $10 Trillion Man
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 28, 2003
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    #25 Jdubbya, Aug 22, 2005
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    I looked at my numbers again and this is really strange, the engine number is 00078 and the gearbox is 308L. Like I mentioned above this is for a '78 308. Must be a strange coincidence though because the certificate went through. My suspicions about the car's original color were also confirmed. It was Nero over Rossa originally.
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