I`m sad & shocked! | FerrariChat

I`m sad & shocked!

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Wolfgang, Dec 25, 2003.

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  1. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 8, 2003
    Heidelberg, Germany
    Full Name:
    I`m sad & shocked!

    …….about those threads:

    “Super crashes page”

    Why here at ferrarichat.com?
    Why straight at Christmas, a contemplative time in which we also
    look back on the past year and remember our friends unfortunately lost by horrible accidents?
    There are determines other and improves ways realize its ill inclinations than here.
    What can one to it well or beautifully find if drivers & spectators get killed in great quantities....in slow motion and close-up?!?
    If somebody on the road is half dead-strucked and none helps him?
    What for does a patient humans have to be, who still film and place it in the InterNet?
    What for an impression also do many visitors of these Web site will have (Ferrarichat.com) of us Ferrari drivers ?
    Are there not already enough other Web sites with this tasteless contents?

    Just my 5 cents

  2. ART360

    ART360 Guest

    Well said.

  3. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    I agree. I was disgusted by both.

    Merry Christmas to all, even to the turds who posted that crap.
  4. zjpj

    zjpj F1 Veteran

    Nov 4, 2003
    I've never understood the fascination with those kind of videos or pictures either. People seem to like watching a soccer player break his leg in a gruesome way or something. Why? I think it's gross.

    It's actually interesting if you watch the trend of America's funniest home videos and that sort of thing. It used to be kids saying funny stuff, and sometimes people falling down. The last time I watched something like that it was people lighting themselves on fire and falling off ladders and things like that. What's funny about that? Same with Fear Factor - I've never sen it and never will - why would you want to watch people eat raw cow brains and throw up? I think it's pretty sad and I don't understand what culture is coming to.
  5. thecarreaper

    thecarreaper F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 30, 2003
    agreed. i believe its a LACK of culture and education. but what do i know. happy holidays gentlemen.
  6. allanlambo

    allanlambo F1 Rookie

    Jun 9, 2002
    Full Name:
    Yes! Me too! Absolutely disgusting!
  7. Hubert

    Hubert F1 Rookie

    Jan 3, 2002
    The Left Coast
    Dear All:

    I hope you're not all implicating me among the "filth" by having responded to one of the mentioned threads; if so, I hope it's clear that I'm not advocating the subject matter purported in the said threads -- although, I have not viewed the "super crashes" thread as I still hold my "immortality" as a keepsake on account of the naive youthfull state of being (I"m only 23).
    I remember Jens & Amar -- I was supposed to meet Amar in Monaco, and they are both sorely missed -- I still reflect on their death every time I put on my helemet and leave the hot pits for another lap "in anger." At any rate, Wolfgang, I hope your comment wasn't meant for me, as I would be deeply saddended that you would make such a general judgement about me based upon my participation in a thread that I myself found vulgar.
    I wish all, including Allan, all the best this holiday season, and into the New Year.
    I hope on New Year's Even none of you say "... thank God this year's over... I hope the next one is better..."

  8. TestShoot

    TestShoot F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 1, 2003
    Beverly Hills
    It seems that those intrigued enough by those videos are those that have never been in a real crash. Usually by an immature fascination with that kind of stuff.

    Sure we all have gawked at wrecks, but to put up a website for just that is pathetic. Those people should be hurt and humiliated infront of everyone they know so they can realize that it is not funny, or cool.

    I guess it is like the old saying everyone is your friend, and once you are mugged then you realize the only way to survive is to be suspicious of everyone.

  9. Hubert

    Hubert F1 Rookie

    Jan 3, 2002
    The Left Coast
    again, if any of you are implicating me for having replied to one of the aforementioned threads please use my name specifically. thank you.
  10. Mark(study)

    Mark(study) F1 Veteran

    Oct 13, 2001
    Clearwater, FL
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    I always liked when the news uses the words "Doves & Hawks"... when they talk about people in the White House and there views on the war.

    Some on this board are ruled by their logic, science, engineering and curiosity?

    Some on this board are more in touch with their feelings, sensitivities, loyalties, and emotions.

    No one should think someone else is "wrong"
    There are just all kinds of different people at this site. You can never lose site of what makes the world real.
  11. TestShoot

    TestShoot F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 1, 2003
    Beverly Hills

    no bro, i responded to one of them myself
  12. JaguarXJ6

    JaguarXJ6 F1 Veteran

    Feb 12, 2003
    Black Hawk, CO
    Full Name:
    I disagree with that line of thinking if you feel someone else is "wrong." Its almost impossible to like every thread you read on F-chat.

    I personally see no problems in either post.

    I'm in complete agreement in regards to losing sight of what is really happening out there. If the reality we see on the internet is a little cold or unfeeling, then I suggest you bundle up more with your mental/emotional blankie and buy a helmet (Denis Leary).

    I think some of you are worse for the things you post regarding Allan and others. For example, "Merry Christmas to all, even to the turds who posted that crap" and "I wish all, including Allan, all the best this holiday season, and into the New Year."

    My, my.. a little shallow as well aren't we? Those words give a little bit more insight into your character and online egos. Then again, all these are are words on a page, no?

  13. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 8, 2003
    Heidelberg, Germany
    Full Name:
    no, no buddy. No personal ofense to you or any singel body!
    IMHO its just & only:

    THE WRONG TIME & THE WRONG PLACE for such kind of threads/posts!

    This is an awesome great board and commuinty and I realy love & enjoy to be a part of this Ferrari community here.
    Over 3.000 enthusiasts with one passion = FERRARI!

  14. allanlambo

    allanlambo F1 Rookie

    Jun 9, 2002
    Full Name:
    Um, Ferrari is not my only passion, nor is it my #1 passion, and i for one say, if you dont like a post..... dont look at it.

    And with that, i wish EVERYONE Happy Holidays.
  15. Hubert

    Hubert F1 Rookie

    Jan 3, 2002
    The Left Coast
    Hey, Sunny, I'm right here pal... if you want to call me out on anything I've said... use my name. Feel free. I've got nothing to apologize for. I named Allan specifically to try and include him as he was obviously objectified by having posted one of the "offensive" threads. I was just owning up by replying here. So, again, I've you 've got something to say, just go ahead and say it straight up. I've got no online ego-- you want my address? I"ll forward it to you.....
    PS: I don't think I've exchanged more than a series of sentences with you in "real life" sunny.... so, if you want to make genralization about my "character" that's okay, but at least do me the courtesy of doing so in person.

  16. JaguarXJ6

    JaguarXJ6 F1 Veteran

    Feb 12, 2003
    Black Hawk, CO
    Full Name:
    Hubert, I was using your words as an example of how what we say and how we act on here has some bearing or maybe none at all on how we are in "real life."

    The only person you need to "own up" to by posting in that thread is yourself and no one else. That is my point and I didn't need to use names. Those examples are one of dozens, or more, and yours and Dave's were readily available for me to prove said point.

    There is nothing personal in this to me. Thats just my opinion, feel free to round file it.

  17. Hubert

    Hubert F1 Rookie

    Jan 3, 2002
    The Left Coast

    Well... my "opinion" is that you took my words out of context, i named Allan speciffically so that my good wishes would be ubitqioutous to all involved, and to convey that i wasn't laying anything on anyone. As an aside, I'll own up/live up to anything i've said.
    What's you point now sunny????

    edit: i don't care much about the internet, nor what's passed around. anyone thta "knows" me, can atest to the fact that i'll go out of my way to help someone if can, and that i don't spite anyone -- regardless of what they've said/done to me; therefore, sunny, if you're goingto use my words to prove points, and make generalizations at least do me the courtesy (like i said above) to meet me in person and tell me how superficial, judgemental or callous you percieve me to be. otherwise, your words, and opinons, are utterly hypocritical.

    merry christams to you, sunny.
  18. Matt LaMotte

    Matt LaMotte Formula 3

    Oct 30, 2002
    I was the one that started the Super crashes page. I don't think that I should really be slammed for posting a link to a web page of some racing crashes. Some of them are very graphic but then again let us not pretend that racing cannot be. I didn't view every single one of them and figured that if somebody didn't want to watch them they simply would not watch them. I could have posted all the direct links to the worst races but I wasn't trying to say "Look at all these people get killed"! Wrecks happen in racing and off the track. If I had posted a bunch of crashes in the highway I could see your point but those videos are a part of the sport. If everyone here wants to ridicule me evidently you went and watched them as well. And that was not started at Christmas guys. Come on.
  19. ART360

    ART360 Guest

    On the subject of crash pages: Roadracing World publishs one with each issue. Most of them look spectacular, but there are few injuries or deaths. I had the unfortunate luck to be the entire page when it first started. Then my client, and friend, John Ulrich sent me all the pictures, and a video of the crash. Some of you may have seen the last photo of that crash, the one I used to have on my profile, where the bike is on top of me.

    It took me several years to get over the consequences of that crash. While on occassion, I do like to look at pictures of crashes, I don't like to think about the consequences of such a crash, the injury, or death of the individual portrayed.

    I guess what I'm saying is that if there aren't serious injuries its ok, but where there are serious injuries, its not ok.


  20. Matt LaMotte

    Matt LaMotte Formula 3

    Oct 30, 2002
    The only thing I do regret is the name I gave the thread. Super crashes page may be a little misunderstood. I don't think those guys getting killed is "cool" or "fun" to watch. I do feel extremely sorry for them or anyone involved in a crash as I have been in one myself Testshoot. I think you guys have the wrong idea as if I posted that saying that I thought they were funny or humorous.
  21. thecarreaper

    thecarreaper F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 30, 2003
    for the record my comment was in agreement with the statement by ZJPJ in reference to PUBLIC CULTURE. my comments were not meant to be directed at anyone on fchat, especially HUBERT, i sent you a PM apology. it seems the trend in talk shows, reality tv ect is toward more violent and cruel treatment towards others. as ALLAN said if we dont like a thread we dont have to read or reply to it and i agree on that point. i felt that ZJPJ hit on a good point that the public culture seems to love that new "gross is better" theme. that movie " joe dirt" comes to mind a lot. i prefer action movies and violent video games so i have no room to point fingers at anyone, but those are fake and the real world very much loves to see others suffering " in real life". not entertaining at all. sorry if i offended anyone. happy holidays.

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