Yep same here in this morning and out just before the closing bell at 0.305. Took in almost 68% in one day, you cant complain about that.
No Problem, good to see everyone making cash. I'm still holding onto my ibzt for now, their virtual keyboard will be revealed at a trade show in a few days and then will hit stores like Radio Shack within a month. Even though the company isnt profitable right now I think that they will be pretty soon.
Up 100% as of right now today...I am out at 0.0625 +200% in 2-days. Enjoy the ride guys if you are still in, I dont have the balls to stay in it. Back to GLBT and FGWC.
I wish I wouldn't have sold on the first double. It will get played back down by the big guns before the next run (probably when they get orders) and I'll be waiting. Ed
With most of these penny stocks, it seems that the fund managers will drive the price down before a news release hits in order to strengthen their position. You can read this and all the other conspiracy theories on the stock message boards. Ed
Depends on how much you have in 115% and I am out because of the amount I have in it...if you have 1k in it then you can ride it further. I sold out initial 1.5x initial investment and am leaving the rest in with a sell order in at 0.09.
Hey man as long as you are making money you cant complain...this stuff is no different than Vegas, as long as you walk away with more money than you came with you are a winner. Hind sight is always 20/20.
Exactly, and I hate gambling. Don't have the stomach for it. Guess I'd better grow up cos making 228% in 24 hours feels nice. Thanks DropGems! Thans for the help guys. Luke.
I am looking to open an online trading account but i dont know who to go with. The major choices are TD waterhouse, ameritrade, and etrade. Anyone have any opinions on which one to go with? Keep in mind we're not talking about alot of money, only 1,500 or two thousand tops. Which online trading company is good for the little guys?
I really enjoy etrade because their interface is very slick and easy to navigate. Ameritrade is much more confusing for first time users. Have you looked at Scottrade as well, they are a little cheaper per trade than eTrade and have a mildly nice interface. Just for example when I was in college 3 years back I started an etrade account and have been with them ever since...transfering in more money is simple so as you want to start playing with more money it can be done instantly over the web. I started with 2k as well, and if you play your cards right you can turn that into a lot real quick because of the low commission rates.
Good think you got out buddy she tanked at the end of trading today. Still up around 100% from open but you walked away with 50% more than you could have. I think it will open to a large sell off tomorrow morning as on fiction and hype, sell on fact and over buying.
Yeah, as soon as I stared to see it slip I jumped. Thanks again for the help! I think I'm going to try GLBT now for a longer term ride. Any thoughts? Luke.
I use Etrade and have for years. It only gets better, but it is still a little confusing. There is lots of redundancy in the interface. I'd love to redesign it. anyway... as it was said before they recently implemented a very slick money transfer system that is great! Luke.
I use Scottrade. I like it because it's really raw. Minimal graphics, very fast, and works well. Probably not as many features as Etrade, but the guys from my office want to move from E-trade to Scottrade, so I guess that says something. Scottrade also allows you to trade with unsettled funds....Etrade doesn't allow this anymore since Jan 1st.
Seems like people have alot of good things to say about e-trade, so i will look into opening an account with them. Do they have alot of material to helo me make educated decisions like TD Waterhouse advertises to have? Since im pretty conservative, i wont be dumping all my $ into penny stocks, as some will be going into less volitile stocks. How much would be a good amount to start off with for short trading?