Is McLaren Going Bankrupt? | FerrariChat

Is McLaren Going Bankrupt?

Discussion in '' started by therryzsx, Jan 2, 2023.

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  1. therryzsx

    therryzsx Formula 3

    Dec 2, 2011
  2. SoCal to az

    SoCal to az F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 25, 2012
    What a fantastic click bait video that says absolutely nothing. Lots of “ifs” in this video that yeah if everything falls apart, they will be bankrupt. But new ceo is righting the ship.
    They are nowhere near as strong as Ferrair but they ain’t going bankrupt. Aston on the other hand….
  3. Ingenere

    Ingenere F1 Veteran
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Dec 11, 2001
    On the Limit
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    McLaren isn't going anywhere.
    JAM1 and Boomhauer like this.
  4. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    There are WAY too many players making 2 seat sports cars today.
    95spiderman and rob lay like this.
  5. bamaman

    bamaman Formula Junior

    Nov 27, 2015
    Mobile Alabama
    Full Name:
    William M (B.J.) Lyon, Jr.
    McLaren is one of the top five sports car makers and is not going anywhere.
    JAM1 and Boomhauer like this.
  6. Shark01

    Shark01 F1 Veteran

    Jun 25, 2005
    And worse, every one of them make too many......the exclusivity of Lamborghini making as few as 250 cars a year in the late 90s is gone, seeing a late model Lamborghini or Ferrari on the street is so commonplace to the point of being boring.
    rynoshark, Boomhauer and TheMayor like this.
  7. bamaman

    bamaman Formula Junior

    Nov 27, 2015
    Mobile Alabama
    Full Name:
    William M (B.J.) Lyon, Jr.
    Agreed that each major manufacturer is making too many cars-- pursuit of the profits-- which devalues the myth of exclusivity .
    Shark01 and Boomhauer like this.
  8. Ingenere

    Ingenere F1 Veteran
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    Dec 11, 2001
    On the Limit
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    When I was growing up, if you saw a Ferrari once every few months it was a special day. Now, in every major city (and even minor), Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Porsche are everywhere. The magic is really gone. One of the reasons I like driving a McLaren is that it is a relatively rare sight.
    chinaleeexports likes this.
  9. BJK

    BJK F1 Veteran

    Jul 18, 2014
    An SUV in the line-up will save the day! :eek: It will sell like hotcakes! :D ....... if development costs don't bankrupt them. :rolleyes:

    TheMayor likes this.

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