Apparently this is one of their F1 drivers taking a journalist out to show the cars performance:...
Apparently this is one of their F1 drivers taking a journalist out to show the cars performance: I guess he proved the car is relatively safe..
WOW! That was pretty incredible. I can't believe none of them got hurt in that crash! The last scene where you could see their faces was the best -- but it didn't look that bad from inside the car. The scariest part is how the passenger puts his hands up to the roof of the car -- he's lucky the roof didn't cave in or he would have crushed his hand. Great video, thanks!
That was Antonio Pizzonia. Now you see why Jaguar F1 fired him. Let's pick out all th ethings that he did wrong, that we teach the most basic D.E. student: -no helmets -changed his line TWICE in mid corner at very high speed while understeering -dialed in more & more steering input while the car was understeering -they guy in the passenger seat knew the car was going off way before the driver did -when it was obvious he was not going to make the corner, he continued to dial in steering snstead of straightening wheel, going straight off & beinging car to a halt, STRAIGHT No wonder the car flipped, with all that steering lock, when it dug into that gravel!!! Car seems sturdy, however, as do the FIA crash barriers... Image Unavailable, Please Login
Wow, that's some crappy driving. I guess he thought he was in an F1 car judging by how late he started to brake, lol.
I cannot view this video, but if what Maranelloman states is correct which sounds like a beginners handling of an accident then Pizzonia will not be driving anything but a Courier van for the rest of his 'motorsport' future. How pathetic, and how do these unskilled people get so far in this sport!!!! Pete
Man, that video is crazy! I could see some of the flaws you guys pointed out in the driving, but overall, Im suprised that the could stood up to a hit like that as well as it did! They both should have been wearing helmets...thats rule number one! And from the camera view from the drivers perspective the line just looked a bit off...
Jordan, there were 4 people in the car. Look at the outside the car clip carefully--you'll see heads bouncing in the back seat when the car comes to rest.
wow. I. Uh, yeah, he MIGHT have made that in a 355 Challenge car. Maybe. This 'pro' driver sure made a lot of rookie mistakes (changing line, looks like he early apexed, fed in MORE input, looked like he never even got on the brakes after it went unrecoverable...) "No way, we're all ****ed" did he say? I'd agree... Amazing and just plain dumb luck they're all OK.
Friend of mine says that what he did was the right thing. He says he was trying to get the car to rotate around so it would hit rear first, instead of head on. He says that yes you should try to steer out of something like that, especially on grass, eh, riiiight. He says that anything is better than hitting head on. I just want to prove him wrong, hehe.
This kind of correction should not be needed and there is no shadow of a doubt why he lost his job in my mind. He didn't brake hard enough and it got worse from there. He was given a new S-Type R as part of his signing bonus I believe, if any road car he had some experience in, you would think that would be it. What an idiot. I hope a copy of this is included with his resume at his next job. Sunny