Jobs at FNA / Maserati | FerrariChat

Jobs at FNA / Maserati

Discussion in 'Maserati' started by kenny, Dec 19, 2003.

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  1. kenny

    kenny Formula Junior

    Nov 9, 2003
    Greenwich , CT
    Full Name:
    We have a new career service director at my school and apparently he has a contact at FNA for MBA level jobs... Does anybody know what it's like working there? Is the pay competitive? or is this one of those jobs where the pay is low for the priviledge of saying you work at Ferrari...

    I know a sales manager at a dealer in the NY metro area, and he's been doing this since 1988 but does not own a Ferrari himself, so I'm assuming pay is not all that good, which is a pity...
  2. Dr_ferrari

    Dr_ferrari Formula 3
    Consultant Professional Ferrari Technician

    Nov 2, 2003
    Pocono Sportscar
    Full Name:
    Jim McGee

    It`s kinda like becoming a Monk,

    Good benefits and three squares a day, But you have to give up all your worldly posessions.:)

    All in all I would do it all over again. Great people.

    Good luck, Jim
  3. enzoz

    enzoz Karting

    Nov 2, 2003
    SF Bay Area
    Full Name:
    Working for Ferrari would be awesome. What about dealerships though? What type of requirements are there? Are there any?
  4. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    Think they'd let me intern as a test-driver...? :)
  5. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    Oh, by the way... Kenny, this is Ferrari-related; you could've put it in General Discussion... :)
  6. kenny

    kenny Formula Junior

    Nov 9, 2003
    Greenwich , CT
    Full Name:
    Yeah, thanks for the input Jim, not something I seriously thought about, just something that came up....

    I'm not sure what the requirements are for working as a salesman at a dealership, I would think the normal route would be, sell Toyotas, work your way up to Mercedes and Porsches and eventually Ferraris after 10+ years experience..
  7. Bill Sawyer

    Bill Sawyer Formula 3

    Feb 26, 2002
    My brother was contacted about being Communications Director for FNA several years ago. At the time he was doing a similar job for Lotus. The pay was poor, there was a company car but I don't recall what brand it was, and he was told that he would rarely, if ever, get to drive Ferraris. There was an overall attitude that the privilege of working for Ferrari was worth more than salary and perks.
  8. Mark(study)

    Mark(study) F1 Veteran

    Oct 13, 2001
    Clearwater, FL
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    I use to work in the Auto Industry, and I've tried a few times, over the years, to get guys in at Ferrari of North America in NJ

    Problem is that the name Ferrari is so famous that they get tons of resumes and thus they don't have to pay top dollar for a perfect skills match. Ferrari is also in a high cost of living area being right next to New York City.

    I'd classify working for Ferrari as a Glamour job. Glamour jobs never pay well because there's always some rich kid with the full support of his parent's money, that's willing to take the job for nothing. Same thing happens in the TV business.
  9. kenny

    kenny Formula Junior

    Nov 9, 2003
    Greenwich , CT
    Full Name:
    Hey Bill, your brother shouldn't hold his breath regarding what the company car might've been... Growing up, I had friends living in the area, so we'd browse the showroom to see the latest cars that would come out.... Most of the corporate parking spaces were taken up by well worn Alfa Romeo 164's and a couple Lancia Thema's... Not sure if the Lancia's were the version with the Ferrari 308GTB turbo engines in them though...
  10. Dr_ferrari

    Dr_ferrari Formula 3
    Consultant Professional Ferrari Technician

    Nov 2, 2003
    Pocono Sportscar
    Full Name:
    Jim McGee
    Dealer requirement are mostly having exotic or european car experience for sales or service. How it works is who you know or how lucky you can get but in any case, you have to have good experience.

    I got in by sending my resume to the home office which at the time was in Hasbrouck heights. My Resume somehow accidently landed on the presidents desk and from what I was told, the president sent it to the office in Aston, Pa where Mr. McCay called me in for an interview. It helped also that I went to the technical school that he previously taught at.

    I can`t tell you how much I learned in that enviroment, Ken and the guys I worked with taught me so much, and to me at the time it has become invaluable and I would not be where I am today without them. the poor pay did not mean to much at the time because the experience was so good and the people were so great to work for.

    Just so you know, the best part of the job was driving Ferraris all day and the worst part was driving my 86 buick century home:(

    best regards, Jim

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