Maserati Cambiocorsa : launch control | FerrariChat

Maserati Cambiocorsa : launch control

Discussion in 'Maserati' started by jack, Nov 9, 2003.

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  1. jack

    jack Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
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    I have (it seems) the last upgrade on my cambiocorsa... I can not more make a canon launch in any mode: foot on the brake, 1st gear, foot on the gas full throttle. Before the wheels spin until I released the gas a little bit but today the car hiccup before to go strongly...
    I found a solution: 1st gear, left-foot-braking, 2000 RPM then release the brake/full throttle (with my new Michelin Pilot Sport II the wheelspin is largely reduced).

    BUT I am afraid to eat the clutch if I redo this kind of launch control.

    Your advices ???
  2. F456M

    F456M F1 Rookie

    Jan 8, 2010
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    Best way to make the life of your car much shorter. Which year model is the car? Did the Cambiocorsa cars have launch control? I can not remember that my 2003 had it...?!
  3. B R

    B R F1 Rookie

    Aug 31, 2005
    Los Angeles, CA
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    B R
    Post was made over 16 years ago, doubt he still owns the car, or else he figured it out by now.
    TheMayor likes this.

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