MN anyone??????? | FerrariChat

MN anyone???????

Discussion in 'North Midwest - USA (ND, SD, MN, IA, WI, IL)' started by Enzo, Nov 14, 2003.

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  1. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    Anyone out there from MN????
  2. Glassman

    Glassman F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Its kinda lonely up here in the north isn't it Enzo, if that is your real name!
  3. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    It is quite lonely up here. There are a few Ferraris around but no one visitis this site. 2 used to Lee sanders with his 512bb but I haven't seen him since the change and Joh Stecher with his 348 with the 355 wheels. I was actually surprised this summer when I attended a get together that had some F-cars I didn't know where here in the state. (360 spiders, 246 and some other cool cars like an original gt40 MKI.
  4. lotusboy

    lotusboy Formula Junior

    Nov 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    Kevin Geiwitz
    I have been trying to get in the outher areas,but seems like no one wants to let the outside in.Where in mn. are you?
  5. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    I'm in a suburb outside of St Paul called Oakdale. I see you are from behind the cheddar curtain. I also see that you owned a 88 lotus? What were your thoughts on that and why did you get rid of it? I'm putting my Lemans up for sale in the spring and I'm thinking of getting either a 83-89 911 targa or covertible or maybe a Lotus. What were your impressions on the lotus. Problems, maint?
  6. jjstecher

    jjstecher Formula Junior

    Jan 21, 2002
    Rochester Minnesota
    Full Name:
    John Stecher
    I am still alive man I have just been traveling a ton lately and havent had time for Ferrarichat. Heck I am in Austria right now and was just bored so I decided to check the old place out...Man things have changed!

  7. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    Good to hear from you John. Hope everything is going ok for you. Didn't see you at the couple of shows this summer. There was one out by lake Calhoun and I was amazed at the number of F-cars there. I didn't think we even had any 360 spiders let alone 3. Hope to catch up with you next summer to check out your changes on your 348. This site has changed quite abit since the new format.
  8. lotusboy

    lotusboy Formula Junior

    Nov 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    Kevin Geiwitz
    I loved the car had to sell because of my "EX" wife she let me have the car in the big D, but I need something to put my kids in still.Nice thing about LOTUS in 88 thay used parts for a lot of outher cars like Toyota so if you do your homework and cross ref. you can get away cheap.I had to replace the thermostat once for 15 bucks. The throw out bearing was 800.00 to replace.the insurance was 200 per mth. I only paid 21000.00 for the car, not bad for a car no one knew what it was. I always had people ask if it was a lambo. A lot of bang for the buck!!!In about 4 years I am going to be done paying her child supp. I plan on getting a twin turbo v8

    MRFOTOS Karting

    May 26, 2003
    Maui, Hi
    Hello, I also went to the "WOI" show by lake callhon , lots of F cars and L cars, next year ill bring my 80 308gtsi. Its on storage for the long winter now...cant wait to take her out in the spring
  10. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    Where in the cities are you located? Did you just get your 308?

    MRFOTOS Karting

    May 26, 2003
    Maui, Hi
    i live in brooklyn center, i bought it last year , and i drive it on the weekends (not raining). not too many f cars ive have seen on the roads here .
  12. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    Did you get it in town? I remeber seeing one for sale at Kassick motors?

    MRFOTOS Karting

    May 26, 2003
    Maui, Hi
    i work about 2 MILES FROM KISSACK, and i saw the car you were talking about, i had bought my car before i had seen the ad but i looked atthe care for comparison, and the one at kissack had the worst paint job i had ever seen any car..... probally $5,000 to correct that mess.. i dont know if they still have that car, but they wanted like $ 29,995 when i saw it. nearby kissack is a great place called GT CARS the do f- car, J-car and R-car repairs over there. nice people over there too.
  14. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    Yeah I looked at the car at Kassick also and you are right it was WAYYYYY overpriced. I told him that and he sat on it for over a year it was maybe worth 18 Not sure what it went for but last time I heard it was at 24.
  15. jjstecher

    jjstecher Formula Junior

    Jan 21, 2002
    Rochester Minnesota
    Full Name:
    John Stecher
    Hey Pat how have you been man? I dont know what you guys are talking about I have seen a good deal of F-cars in the cities...well that could be because everytime I am up there it is for a ride and drive or something. Get in touch with Lee Sanders if you are intereted in joining the MN ferrari club...check out for the webpage. Yes that is my 308 in the picture there :p

    Take it easy guys.

  16. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    You got a 308 on top of the 348?????
  17. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    You must mean the 348 That is there in the pic. Things are going pretty good. Busier than a 1 legged man in a ass kicking contest here at work since we are making the switch from Novell to Microsoft Windows 2003 for our LAN/WAN (14 different states). How about you? Whats new? Next summer we will have to hook up for a event up here or something
  18. jjstecher

    jjstecher Formula Junior

    Jan 21, 2002
    Rochester Minnesota
    Full Name:
    John Stecher
    Not much is new here I have been traveling like no other the past few months. I mistyped when I wrote that I had a 308, its still the 348, but I am hoping to pick up a 512TR or a 360 next fall once I get my house built this winter. Man you guys are moving to Window 2003 from Novell, that has to be a nightmare, why the hell not move to Linux? We will have to get together for sure this summer and have a few beers and roll around in the Ferrari. When are you planning on picking up a Fcar for the first time?
  19. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    Sounds good about the summer beers. Yeah Our trip from Novell to Microsoft is a fun one (yeah right we have about 400 Novell servers in about 14 different states). My fcar might have to wait for one more purchasing round with my wife. She wants to get into a older 911 ragtop 1st to get the feel of sportscar ownership (in short she is putting me off for a couple more years) She has never had a 3rd (fun) car before so it might be eaiser for her to swallow the maitenence bills of a 911 and then a 308 or by then maybe something a little newer. We are making a trip to Vegas this winter which has a 355 spider on it agenda for the day.. Lets keep in touch this winter and get together in the spring or summer. Where you building a new house? We are just starting the process of looking for a new pad (with at least a 3-4 garage and no more of this 2 car crap)
  20. jjstecher

    jjstecher Formula Junior

    Jan 21, 2002
    Rochester Minnesota
    Full Name:
    John Stecher
    Man 400 Novell servers that has to be a picinic to deal with! What kinda applications you running on those babies? Mostly client/server based crap across the web or do you guys have a bunch of distributed systems doing some sort of stock pricing algorithms? Just curious cause I am a geek. Honestly as far as the older 911 goes you are going to end up spending just as much money on that as you would on a 308 as far as service is concerned. The only one I would really consider would be a 1979 930 cause it is a hell of a car and totally says Porsche to me...I am thinking if the TR or 360 dont work into the plans next year cause of a market down turn I will pick one up for a daily driver.

    Yeha I will stay in touch without a doubt over the winter and like I told you before if you ever want me to bring the 348 over to the house I would be more than happy to show it off and let you drive it. I am building down here in Rochester cause I have finally decided I am going to stay for a while and commute to Chicago on the weekend to get my MBA. I went though the looking and planning process and just got sick of all the houses not having what I wanted so I drew one up on 3D home architect and am having it built...was kinda cool! 2 car garage but am going to have a lift on both sides with 12 foot ceilings so should be cool.
  21. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    yeah 400 Novell Servers are a picnic compared to the Microsoft servers we are putting in and when we are done we will have alot more than 400. We run at our bank alone over 350 applications not too mention all the other branches and associations.

    On the 911 I know they are going to be expensive to maintian also but as much as a 308? My wife for some reason has her eyes set on a 911 for the back seat (kids). I told her if we get a 911 for a couple of years then it will be my choice. Right now she doesn't mind driving in the Lemans but it isn't her first choice so I want to get her into having fun with the 3rd car and not making it a chore to drag her out in it. She won't even attempt driving the Lemans but she will the 911 so I will give her a couple of years with it and see what happens.

    Building does seem the way to go. We have been looking a little more now at what is on the markey and like you said there isn't anything out there at all for what we want. I have started looking into some house plans so we will see.

    Take care man talk to you later
  22. Tomg

    Tomg Rookie

    Nov 7, 2003

    If you in Oakdale you may have seem me drive by a couple of times. During the non-snow months I commute daily from Mahtomedi down to the 3M Center in my 400i and occasionally take my 308QV out and about the east metro.

    Work has been insane this year and I've basically dropped off the Ferrari map. Hope to get back into it again next year. I'll look you up when the snow melts!

    John, hope all is well. Did you make the GP this year?

    Tom Gehring
  23. Enzo

    Enzo F1 Rookie

    Feb 14, 2002
    Full Name:
    Pat Pasqualini
    Hey Tom small world. I think I have seen the 400 around but never the 308. For sure after the snow melts I would love to meet up and catch a look at your stable if possible. Tak care and stay warm.

  24. Lsand007

    Lsand007 Karting

    Nov 4, 2003
    Full Name:
    Lee Sanders
    There are about 38 +/- Ferraris of all types in Minneapolis area. Its hard to believe but there are 2 Lussos, 2 Daytonas, 2 Boxers, 2 275 GTB's, a SWB, a California Spider, a Dino 2400 Spider, 3 Dino 246's and 3 Modena Spiders.

    I head up the local Ferrari club and have active contact with about 25 members with 30 cars.

    In 2003 we had 2 drives, two food related events and two displays.

    If you are in metro the area and want to be added to our group, you may be added to our e-mailing list by posting your contact info here.

    Our next '04 event will likely be a breakfast in April. A group of us are already signed-up for Pebble Beach too.

    Lee Sanders
    Eden Prairie
  25. GTI WR6

    GTI WR6 Karting

    Jun 29, 2004
    Full Name:
    anyone from Grand Ave/ Summit Ave area in St Paul?

    I saw a 328 GTS on Summit and Snelling intersection once, near Macalester College.

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