My first experience with a road rager | FerrariChat

My first experience with a road rager

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by ryalex, Mar 8, 2004.

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  1. ryalex

    ryalex Two Time F1 World Champ
    Consultant Owner

    Aug 6, 2003
    Las Vegas, NV
    Full Name:
    Ryan Alexander
    I'm up here in Canada visiting my family, and I'm taking my teen brother and sister home from a restaurant. As I'm merging onto a large artery road, this early 90's 4Runner comes flying up behind me, swerves around my left, and then speds off like a lunatic, swerving between the two main lanes like the warmup lap of a GP. As we came to the next main intersection, we're both turning left. He took the far lane and I pulled into the closer one, and given his performance I wanted to be ahead and not behind this guy; so we're starting onto the new road I tried to pull ahead of him a little -- but he looks over and pulls a fast swerve at my lane. I braked hard and slammed my horn (thinking maybe he didn't notice me), and he returned to his lane and I passed him (notably Hispanic guy with chicana passenger and 2 dudes in back). My little sister is freaking out.

    Then he tailgates me: we're on a 5-lane road doing maybe 40mph and I can't see his headlights he so close. Then he came along my right and pulled into the side of my lane, twice, then cut me off when I slowed down. I slowed to 30 or so twice to let him go, but he slowed down too - almost coming to a stop in the middle of a green light intersection. When I came along side him, trying just to drive normal and straight, he repeated the swerving into my lane, cut me off and drove off again. He then sped up a few hundred yards, swerved around 4 other cars and then pulled an insane u-turn through a red light and was coming our way, just to flip me off. They had followed us maybe 2-3 miles.

    Luckily, we had gotten his plate, and I called the cops and filed a 'road rage' report... if he gets reported for something else (drunk driving maybe?), they'll have that too. Made sure to mention I was a tourist here too, because Canada is hurting for tourism dollars right now and is trying to attract $$. I'm also hoping one of the other dozen cars that should have seen what that dude was doing would have called the cops from their cell too. Not that anything would happen now, but just to build a record of mischief for this guy who thinks he's a Vato.
  2. Uberpower

    Uberpower Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 6, 2004

    What kinda bass ackwards thinking is that? You can always go SLOWER than the guy while he is going FAST- you only increased the danger of the situation by unintentionally "antagonizing" this freak by passing him.

    Stay in the slow lane and think "this too shall pass".
  3. LAfun2

    LAfun2 Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Ryan, glad all is well and you made it home ok.

    Question: They have chicanas in Canada??!!

    My story is, I drove my SC about 78K miles worth last year traveling from LA to Seattle almost every week. I am cruising along the two lane Interstate 5 in the second lane doing about 80mph (speed limit is about 70mph). There is a car maybe couple of miles ahead of me, and non behind. No traffic, beautiful sunny day. A kid in a 1994/95 silver integra slammed, comes up at 110-120 mph and just starts tailgating me. My car is pearl white, lowered with some Blitz wheels. Nothing else. SO I think ok maybe he is looking at the car. I speed up, he speeds up, and starts tailgating me. I move over to the fast lane to let him pass, he does not. He does not even pull up next to me, but stays behind in the other lane.

    So I have had enough of this. Reading stories in LA about people getting shot over road rage has me spooked, so I get back in my original lane put the cruise at 80mph. He then goes to the left lane, paces me, and starts swerving into my line. I noticed he was a single passenger, white male, early 20s. Well I brake hard, and he is way ahead. I set the cruise back to 70. He slows down, and just slams the brakes in front of me (remember no traffic), so hard that I have to swerve to avoid him! I am on the cell to the police giving plate info, but I know the CHP will not do anything.

    I then downshift the car to 3rd gear, and get it up to 143mph, and is way ahead of him, and try to shake him. I see him coming up behind after about 15 minutes when I have slowed down to 80 (did not want a ticket). I saw him approaching. At this time, I straddled both lanes, and was not going to let him pass. He started giving me high beams and the finger and all that. I once again downshifted the car, but did not put full throttle, so he is close on me trying to swerve left and right to go by. My car has a 14 inch brembo setup..and I just SQUEEZED the pads and got the car down to 30mph on the interstate. I figured if he rear ended me, fine, my SC has a HUGE trunk area. He swerved and got his car in the grassy median, with dust everywhere. At this time I think I finally scared him sh_ _less. THen I was on to my merry journey of 1100 more miles. :D
  4. ryalex

    ryalex Two Time F1 World Champ
    Consultant Owner

    Aug 6, 2003
    Las Vegas, NV
    Full Name:
    Ryan Alexander
    Yeah, in hindsight I should have just turned at the very next intersection and gone a different way home. Because there was already a vehicle directly in front of him, my instinct was to just distance myself both of them. Of course, *now* I see that wasn't the easiest way out. But there's a first time for everything.

    Ryan: There's fair cluster of Latino immigrants around Toronto, but yes, it was odd to see them up here towards Ottawa in the smaller city of Kingston(100K). The irony is I'm probably one of the few white people who speak Spanish they'd run into around here. I was thinking, 'hermano, si estuvieramos en una tienda, tendremos un buen rato hablando y siendo amigos... pero aqui estamos y ud. se porta en esta manera agresiva.'
  5. Auraraptor

    Auraraptor F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Sep 25, 2002
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    lafun2, I love your avatar, but is it not a little much?
  6. Titanboy_24

    Titanboy_24 Formula 3

    Dec 28, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    Lucas Scarfone
    lol..just take a trip to downtown Toronto and you will see MILLIONS!! Very sorry to hear about you experience while visiting this amazing country, don't worry were all not like that:p! Hope you enjoyed your stay and be shure to come back in the future!!:)

  7. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
    Full Name:
    Sorry have to agree with the other reply, when you see somebody like that they are looking for trouble ... don't get infront as it is far safer to stay behind them, thus let them go and keep their pathetic ego intact.

    Infact unless you are on the open road and on a very, very long trip there is no other vehicle that is safer to be infront of ... especially trucks which cannot stop!

  8. LAfun2

    LAfun2 Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
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    If it is, I will gladly remove it. I have a great one, where a stunning blonde just takes her top off, and her boobs just bounce out. It is a gif file. I thought that was too much. Just let me know, I am not sure of the regulations :)
  9. docdavid

    docdavid Formula Junior

    Jan 23, 2004
    Full Name:
    Mike D
    Sorry your visit to candad had too be marred by this bafoon, but believe me there are few more of them, but the again 3 out of 30 000 000 isnt bad.
    I like to just tap my brakes if somones tailgating me too scare the **** out of them, but thats a desperastion and still dangerous maneuvre
  10. TimN88

    TimN88 F1 Veteran

    Jun 12, 2001
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    Real road rage is some scary stuff. I'm not talking about someone flipping you off and yelling explicatives out the window. I'm talking about the crazy b*stards who will follow you because they have nothing better to do with themselves than to exact their revenge on you because they suck at driving. Ive had some encounters with drivers that are borderline road rage cases. Luckily most of them drive huge POS cars (i dont want to sound condescending but maybe it says something about their character) so all i have to do is stretch out my right foot and the problem is solved. One time some guy tried to pass me on the right even after my signal was on for a good 5 seconds indicating that i was moving over to let him buy (i was in the left lane passing a very slow moving work van). Some people have no respect or the rules of the road and those who obey them. I was in my mothers 165hp CR-V and i walked on his early 90's VW golf hard.
  11. LAfun2

    LAfun2 Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:

    LMAO :D Nice!
  12. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
    Full Name:
    There was a case in Australia, Sydney (I think) which was very scary. This woman ended up having her car pushed into a lamp post, causing serious injury, infact possibly her unborn child was killed :( (I might be getting 2 cases intertwined here) ... over absolutely nothing!

    You just never know who has lost the plot, just stay clear and keep out of their way IMO.

  13. WJHMH

    WJHMH Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 5, 2001
    Panther City, Texas
    Full Name:
    I would assume you were in the WRX? Those cars have a strange effect on people lately. j/k.

    Glad to hear your ok, way too many folks that still don't have a clue. What a dingus.
  14. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    I heard about one where some woman took a handgun out of her car and shot another woman in the head / face?

  15. thecarreaper

    thecarreaper F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 30, 2003
    road rage: why they put push bars on trucks..... just tuck it in by the rear side marker light on thier rear quarter panel and stay on the gas as you turn the wheel. problem solved. or let MR SAMUEL COLT and his .45 band members talk to them. it they dont go around and go away when i let them, then i have a couple of surprises for them.
  16. wax

    wax Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dirty Harry
    #16 wax, Mar 9, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    How do you say "Macho" en Espanol?

    Thus far, on 3 occasions, I've had 4 loaded guns pointed at me by non-Police Officers - 2 were Beaners, 2 were drunk, white trash fighting over a woman.

    1 pointed at me in a classroom - 8th Grade by John Gonzalez, gun courtesy of Jerry Sandoval. I was 14.

    I'd gotten through weeding 300 acres of Cotton... as I got close to the entrance of one of my Grandfather's Markets... two drunks rushed each other... 2 guns were pointed at me at the same time by the aforementioned with me now standing directly between them. Both stopped 2 yards away on each side of me and upped the ante: "I'll shoot if he moves" - "I'll shoot even if he doesn't." Me being 16, I talked them down, and got idiots staring out the door of the store I was trying to get into to get the hell out of the way.

    Macho Beaner on Rosa Parks Freeway (10 Eastbound @ Fairfax in L.A.) missed my head with *this bullet* by less than the height of this picture. I was 38. Shortly after the "incident,"...
    I popped into a diner where cops were known to congregate at that hour. Useless talking to the 8 of them, as they couldn't have given less of a rat's arse... "Fnck the Police." 'Hey, watch it.' I told them, "No - listen and learn. In my hometown, cops were 1/2 an hour away, so folks took the law into their own hands" - a coupla pigs said, 'don't do anything'... I said, "you're missing the whole fncking point. From the time I was born, my town's motto was, Fnck The Police - the reason is you don't give a ****. It doesn't mean I'm going to do anything - and I'm not - it means you're not going to do anything. That's why people say, 'Fnck the Police.' Enjoy your meal like it's your last."

    (Applause from several young, hip Diners)

    *(in 3 fragments - $1 coin is for actual size reference).
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  17. Texas Forever

    Texas Forever Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Apr 28, 2003
    Ryan, One of the first things you learn about driving in the South is that most people are packing heat. Double that for Texas. Add to this mix the fact that a good number are drunk. Now blend in a little bit of Houston traffic, which ain't as bad as LA, but getting there. The resulting cake is not good. Best advice is to lay back, relax and enjoy the flight. Go ahead and lift your foot and let the accident waiting to happen, happen somewhere else.

    Driving a hot car only makes it worse. It's not too bad in the Maranello because it is kind of stealthly. But my bidness partner has a yellow 360, and it can be a PIA to drive around town because everybody either wants to race him or rage him.

    I glad that you're safe.


    ps How's the weather? Last Summer, I stayed on a inland on a lake just south of Maniwaki. B-E-A-U-I-T-F-U-L place. A tad nippy right now I'm sure, but in June, it can't be beat.
  18. whart

    whart F1 Veteran

    Dec 5, 2001
    Grandview NY
    Full Name:
    Herr Prof.
    Are you sure you made a left and not a right? Sounds like New York. People will **** you on general principle. Merges are opportunities to get ahead of the next guy. If you decide to pass and put your blinker on, the car behind has an obligation to speed up and close you out. And, these are the good citizens, without a hard-on. Its like riding the subway: act crazy and they leave you alone. Thus, drive the nastiest ****-banger you can find. Most will keep their distance.
  19. Robin

    Robin F1 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    Arlington, VA
    Some guy did this to me a few weeks ago. He was the typical left lane bandit.. driving in the left lane at 55mph and getting passed by everyone on the right. I came up behind him at a higher rate of speed than he was going, put my signal on, and went to pass him on the right... of course the dipsh!t has no clue what's going on, so he tries to play vigilante driver and slams on his brakes. I merely went around him and went on my way after doing a bit of evasive maneuvering to avoid being hit by him when he locked up all 4 wheels and went into a spin :) I looked in my rearview mirror and saw him slam backwards into the dividing wall of the highway... not my problem, so I kept going. Unfortunately some schmuck from the rightmost lane (4 lane road) thought I hit him or forced him off the road, so he followed me for a while flashing his brights and stuff. I could see his passenger writing down my plates and calling the cops... I was in a rental car, so I'm not sure how traceable that is, but I still wouldn't be surprised to get a letter in the mail or a phonecall from someone about that incident......

  20. Willis360

    Willis360 F1 Rookie

    Aug 4, 2001
    Redmond, WA
    Full Name:
    Willis H
    New York? Try "friendly" Seattle. People do the same or worse here on the freeways. Probably all hopped up on lattes.
  21. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
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    I lived in Toronto for 10 years and it can get a little heated on the roads but really What were you thinking trying to "get out in front" of the guy
    Let them go... If he is speeding Let him get FAR ahead of you and don't think being in front is any help. Being well behind someone out driving their car has made for a couple of times where I have had to roll up and help dig the idiots out of their wreck not being part of it.
  22. LAfun2

    LAfun2 Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Seattle is not that bad compared to Los ANgeles or San Francisco. I lived in Bellevue and worked there for a while, and found that Seattle drivers all over in general are MUCH better than down here.
  23. LAfun2

    LAfun2 Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:

    Easy on the language there Wax, there are young kids who read this board.
  24. Senna1994

    Senna1994 F1 World Champ

    Nov 11, 2003
    Orange County
    Full Name:
    Anthony T
    Wax that is some funny stuff.
  25. Chiaro_Slag

    Chiaro_Slag F1 Veteran

    Oct 31, 2003
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    What a jerk - Glad nothing bad happened to you and your family.

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