Need comment on 328 with Koenig body kit. | FerrariChat

Need comment on 328 with Koenig body kit.

Discussion in '308/328' started by Pong, Feb 19, 2004.

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  1. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
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    My brother and I have decided to buy '87 328 GTB with Koenig body kit. The car is rarely driven (about 11K on the clock) and looks to be in a very good condition. The timing belt has been changed, the motor oil too...but don't know about the rest. The seats are re-shaped from the 328 seat to look similar to 355...

    What do you guys think???? This car comes with full Koenig body kit except the rear spoiler (lost in the garage???). The engine is still stock. It runs fine, idles smoothly, no blue smoke, no black smoke. Air con is cool but not modern-car cool. Side mirror button doesn't work. One of the pop up light will not close (they will fix this). Test drove it, the suspension feels good, brakes OK, interior made some noise, but other than that, it's fine.

    Had a look under the car....exceptionally clean, never had accident. Rear suspension bushing need replacing soon. The exhaust system is Koenig, I think. I didn't see any rust, but I am not the expert..ha ha.

    It's a rare beast in Thailand, all 328s here are personal import without factory's service. I can't dig into the history of this car. All I know is that, it's imported from England during the late '80s. The body kit was imported by Koenig's distributor in Thailand at that time (long gone). The registration confirms the above...but I have no service history of the car.

    I need comment on the 328. How it drives. Do all you owners out there like it? Does the car has particular weakness we need to be careful about?

    Once we get the car (this Sat), I will take some picture and post it here.

    We had experienced a few Ferrari...348, 512TR, F355 and still have 360 F1 (want to sell it but no taker....yet, Ferrari in Thailand is a bit difficult to sell). But we have no idea about the 328. However, we always love the 308-328 for their look. I still think the 328 is one of the best shape of all time. But what does it like to own??? I really need your comments to get some idea of the car.

    Please help.......
  2. tvrfreak

    tvrfreak F1 Rookie

    Mar 31, 2003
    Full Name:
    F K
    Try marketing your 360 in Hong Kong...should sell pretty quickly.
  3. Senna1994

    Senna1994 F1 World Champ

    Nov 11, 2003
    Orange County
    Full Name:
    Anthony T
    308/328 is a great shape "STOCK"! Why add things on the body that the factory did not intend?
  4. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
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    I totally agree with Senna1994 about the shape of the 328 being the best in "stock" form. It's just that we can't find a stock one up for sale in Thailand.

    Consider this, as far as we know, there are about 11 328s in Thailand....sad, isn't it. I have seen a few of them. But I have never found an owner willing to sale it. Everybody loves the 328, including me.

    This Koenig may not be the original. But I don't mind the body kit as it's not like the one they did on the Testarossa or the 512BB or other weird Benz. The Koenig 328 is rather subtle for Koenig standard. The overall profile is close to that of the 288 GTO...yehh..I am trying to justify myself for buying this car..ha ha ha.

    What concern me the most is its age... How well does the 328 ages? Does anything costly need replacing? I have no idea of the car's service history. What would you guys suggest me do after I get the car????
  5. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Is the kit anything like this?

    Personally I would buy the 328 BECAUSE of the Koenig kit. I just love that stuff. But I think I'm the only one...

    As long as they didn't touch the engine you shouldn't be facing any additional issues. Forza #15 had an excellent 328 buyer's guide pointing out all the +/- of the 328 and what to look out for.
  6. TigerAce

    TigerAce Formula 3

    May 29, 2003
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Yoshi Ace
    Pong, if the car looks like Tifosi12's pics, it will stand out in 328 crowd, and I like the look.

    I personally like GTB better than GTS, but bought GTS.

    You test drove this car, right? It sounds like you like it. And if YOU like the look of the car, this car is your choice. I don't know the market of Thailand, but Koenig body kit do command more money in Japan. (even TR ones, at least it did in '90s)

    I am satisfied w/ 328, but it is after all almost 20 years old car. As long as you can enjoy the driving of that 328 you are lookin' into, that's what counts. Maybe you can test drive other F-cars to compare.

    When I bought 328 last year, I was told several owners & mechanics that 328 is the most reliable & low-cost maintenance F-car. Maybe you can contact your mechanic who service your 360 to find out more in Thailand and do PPI before buying this car.

    Good luck & have fun finding the right Ferrari!

    Yoshi Ace
  7. tifosi69

    tifosi69 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2003
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Full Name:
    Al-Al Cool J
    They took a beautiful car and RUINED IT !!!
  8. TSMIV

    TSMIV Formula Junior

    Jan 27, 2004
    Columbus, MS
    Full Name:
    Robert Goodman
    Andreas, you are not the only one.
  9. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Nice to hear that, but we are politically and puristly so incorrect.

    BTW: The Koenig 328 engine mods included a turbo which boosted its performance to 450 HP giving it a 0-60 mph of 4.5 seconds and a top speed of over 300 km/h. It NEEDED that wing.

    I even have a video from that time from Koenig: Helicopter view of the 328 Turbo blasting across a German racetrack to rock'n'roll sounds. You get weak knees just watching it. At least I did.
  10. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
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    The car we are getting looks just like the one on the bottom right in tifosi12's picture....minus the rear wing though...

    Well, each person has his own taste of what he likes.

    I personally love the car. The look is acceptable...after all, I own a few modified cars and love them to, Koenig body kit doesn't bother me too much. Like I said earlier, it's not like other weird Koenig's creators. This one is rather subtle in comparison.

    My brother and my friend drove the car...both agree that it's in good shape. The engine is stock 328 thouh...not Koenig's spec, lucky me.

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