Ownership Poll: 308, 328 Breakdown in Detail | FerrariChat

Ownership Poll: 308, 328 Breakdown in Detail

Discussion in '308/328' started by Mike328, Feb 12, 2004.

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308/328 Ownership Breakdown in Detail: What do You Own? (Multiple Selections Allowed)

  1. 308 GT4 (2v, Carb)

  2. 308 GTB (2v, Carb)

  3. 308 GTS (2v, Carb)

  4. 308 GTBi (2v, Injected)

  5. 308 GTSi (2v, Injected)

  6. 308 GTB QV (4v, Injected)

  7. 308 GTS QV (4v, Injected)

  8. 328 GTB, Non-ABS (4v, Injected)

  9. 328 GTB, ABS (4v, Injected)

  10. Other (Specify Below... You have one strange 3x8 indeed!)

Multiple votes are allowed.
Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Mike328

    Mike328 F1 Rookie

    Oct 19, 2002
    Boulder, CO
    Full Name:
    Wanted to get a better idea of the breakdown of the many 308 GTx and 328 GTB/S owners out there on the board.

    308 GT4 (2v, Carb)
    308 GTB (2v, Carb)
    308 GTS (2v, Carb)
    308 GTBi (2v, Injected)
    308 GTSi (2v, Injected)
    308 GTB QV (4v, Injected)
    308 GTS QV (4v, Injected)
    328 GTB, Non-ABS (4v, Injected)
    328 GTB, ABS (4v, Injected)
    Other (Specify below)

    I considered doing it by model year, and also adding US/Euro/OtherForeign to the list, but that was a little too much, and besides, there isn't a 100% percent correlation between model YEAR and spyder or not (I know of a 1977-branded Spyder, apparently only "produced" for the 1978 model year).

    Here are some (unverified) production numbers for these models, except GT4:

  2. Tod328gts

    Tod328gts Formula Junior

    Jul 23, 2003
    River Forest, IL
    Full Name:
    Tod Whitmore
    You didn't have 328 GTS's listed, so i selected Other for that...
  3. Mike328

    Mike328 F1 Rookie

    Oct 19, 2002
    Boulder, CO
    Full Name:
    UGGH! I hate it when that happens. (Sigh). Another poll, blown :). Must have been that ABS/Non-ABS that did me in. We can tentatively let Other be for 328 GTSs :).
  4. jmillard308

    jmillard308 F1 Veteran

    May 29, 2003
    Perth West Oz
    Full Name:
    John Millard
    I posted "other" for 308GTB Vetroresina
    Another poll blown by a pedantic owner :)
  5. Mike328

    Mike328 F1 Rookie

    Oct 19, 2002
    Boulder, CO
    Full Name:
    Ah geeze! Ya had to go and select OTHER for that! Pssht!
  6. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Augustine Staino
    1989 328 GTS w/ ABS
  7. jmillard308

    jmillard308 F1 Veteran

    May 29, 2003
    Perth West Oz
    Full Name:
    John Millard
    "other" running at the majority - does this worry you Mike?

  8. Mule

    Mule F1 Rookie
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 25, 2003
    Full Name:
    Search for the "328 Only" thread and you will find the complete list of members that own 328's. Don't re-invent the wheel.
  9. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
    Full Name:
    Yea, I want a 308GTB 2V carb WITH BOXER PAINT TRIM option!

    Waaaaa, waaaaaa.
  10. Chiaro_Slag

    Chiaro_Slag F1 Veteran

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:
    oops, I selected GTB since there was no GTS. :(
  11. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Augustine Staino

    You blew it!! Now he has to start all over again! We just can't have nice surveys on here, can we?

    LOL! :)
  12. Chiaro_Slag

    Chiaro_Slag F1 Veteran

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:

    lol, I'm a mess.
  13. Mike328

    Mike328 F1 Rookie

    Oct 19, 2002
    Boulder, CO
    Full Name:
    Hi Mule--you must subscribe to the "being a **** will get you everywhere" adage. Great goin'!

    My formal, humble apologies to you Mule. I just didn't want to exclude 328 folks; also, the cars are very similar and it made sense to include both in the poll.

    But clearly, I blew it with the 328 options, as I was trying to get too fancy with the ABS/Non ABS option (good thing I didn't put a Non-ABS, Convex Rims option!) so the poll has gone to hell anyway :).
  14. snj5

    snj5 F1 World Champ

    Feb 22, 2003
    San Antonio
    Full Name:
    Russ Turner
    As usual, we Mondial owners are drinking alone.....

  15. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Augustine Staino
    I'll have a drink with you guys anytime. :)
  16. Mike328

    Mike328 F1 Rookie

    Oct 19, 2002
    Boulder, CO
    Full Name:
    I drink to you every night, fellow carb owner!

    Ya know, you COULD start your own Modial breakdown/detail poll. Trouble is, with your wagon, you'd need you OWN option all to yourself! :)

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