Poll 575 replacement? front or mid engine 12? | FerrariChat

Poll 575 replacement? front or mid engine 12?

Discussion in '456/550/575' started by Mark(study), Nov 14, 2003.

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What should 550/575 replacement be?

  1. Go back to mid engine exotic

  2. stick with front engine 12

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  1. Mark(study)

    Mark(study) F1 Veteran

    Oct 13, 2001
    Clearwater, FL
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    What would you like Ferrari to do with the 550/575 replacement?

    Go back to mid-engine 12 exotic and give Lambo's Murcielago some head-to-head competition?

    Stick with the front engine homage to the glory days of historic Ferraris? And keep with the luxury GT
  2. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
    Honorary Owner

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Jim Glickenhaus
    Dropping the 612 engine into the 360 would be a quick fix.
  3. JimSchad

    JimSchad Guest

    I dont think they need to totally go back to angular shapes of the 80's but every car on the road now looks too bulbous. Everything is egg shaped and generic. Sure a ferrari looks better than anything on the road, but they don't have the wow factor they once had. Is that a desired choice? More eloquent, gentlemanly, sophisticated, classy vs. the Holy Crap look at me in this cool car!
  4. t88power

    t88power Formula 3

    Feb 19, 2001
    Puerto Rico
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    YES!!!!! Ferrari should definitely be the first!! Leave the rolling carnival show UFO styling to Lambo.

  5. ferrari_kid

    ferrari_kid Formula Junior

    Jul 5, 2003
    ferrari still has a mid engine 12. look at the f50 and enzo. ok, so it's not a replacement for the 575, but it's a mid 12....
  6. enzomoon

    enzomoon Guest

    I would really like to see a spiritual descendent of the 512. I hope Ferrari can continue to make a front engined GT like the Maranello while also bringing back a mid engined V12 that is not limited to 349 cars or as expensive as an Enzo. I would place an order for such a car in a heartbeat. Perhaps 575 hp in a midengined car weighing 3,300 pounds would do the trick!


  7. whart

    whart F1 Veteran

    Dec 5, 2001
    Grandview NY
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    Herr Prof.
    I don't care whether its mid or front engined, as long as its light, doesn't take up a lanes worth of body and trades-off luxury (and the traditionally ****ty sound system) for spartan, street-racing simplicity. DES: in my experience, the mid-engined cars hold the road better, corner nattier, and feel more in the groove, but god help you if you lose it; at least with the boxer, getting the tail out was not something i wanted to do, given that you were driving around with all the weight high-up in the back, and not so much mid as almost rear. I know alot depends on the driver, but the front engined cars are, at least for civilians like me, easier to rein in and more predictable to drive, cause you can feel the loss of grip a little more incrementally. The mid-engined cars are more got grip, now you don't. Please let somebody with a physics/car dynamics knowledge explain why this is so, or why i should just go f myself again. Regards.
  8. enzoz

    enzoz Karting

    Nov 2, 2003
    SF Bay Area
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    Mid Engine 12! The front engine should be a 2+2...

    I agree w/ James... a 612 motor in the 360 would be sweet.
  9. Nibblesworth

    Nibblesworth Formula 3

    Nov 29, 2002
    Southern California
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    I don't understand why Ferrari has two non-supercar front 12's.

    The way I see it, the Ferrari family should include:

    1. Mid 8cyl car (cheapest of the bunch)
    2. Front 12cyl car (pricier, but aimed at the GT crowd)
    3. Mid 12cyl car (pricier again, a cross between a GT and sport version)
    4. Mid or Front or whatever the hell works Supercar (filthy rich bastards only)

    In the 70's and 80's you had the 308s, 400s, 512s, and the 288s and F40s. That's the way it oughtta be at all times, because it manages to cover all the bases with only four models.
  10. Mitch Alsup

    Mitch Alsup F1 Veteran

    Nov 4, 2003
    I think Ferrari should split the difference and put a V6 in the front and another V6 in the back!

    .............Ducking for cover................
  11. zjpj

    zjpj F1 Veteran

    Nov 4, 2003
    I agree:

    8 or 10 cyl. mid engine "entry-level" sports car
    V12 front engine 2+2 GT
    V12 mid-engine $250,000
    V12 mid-engine million dollar supercar

    That should be the lineup
  12. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
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    Mr. Doody
    oooh! a dual-transaxle-awd!

    how'd ya like to write the engine-management software for that bastard?

  13. Mark(study)

    Mark(study) F1 Veteran

    Oct 13, 2001
    Clearwater, FL
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    Don't laugh... the guys at NSXprime are praying that Honda doesn't do a 6 in the back and another motor in the front to show off Hybrid engineering.

    This poll is very close (considering you tend to get more younger guys on the web) so when Ferrari did their research amoung a target group of buyers, I can see why they went front engine.

    I thought the desire for a mid engine 12 would have been a slam dunck for this poll. Its not.
  14. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    Wouldn't making it a mid-engined car help somewhat with braking/turning at speed...?

    WILLIAM H Three Time F1 World Champ

    Nov 1, 2003
    Victory Circle
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    Mid engine, & lets have an Italian design it, not the Japanese man who designed the Enzo & the Rosso. I want a P4 for the street :)

    WILLIAM H Three Time F1 World Champ

    Nov 1, 2003
    Victory Circle
    Full Name:
    I agree w Nibbles, but I'd like either Ferrari or Maser to do a cool 50s retro pontoon TR type thing, Not thing friggin Rosso which was more Miata than TR
  17. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
    Full Name:
    Mr. Doody
    yes, des - it allows you to do front/rear balance better.

    i'd like to see a mid-engined V12 that (a) takes it styling cues somewhere between an enzo and a maranello (eg: not as 'subdued' as the maranello, but not as off-the-meter as the enzo; certainly less 'showy' than a testarossa) and (b) gets a detuned enzo engine. basically take the enzo, smooth the looks out a bit and add back in all the lux stuff you find in a maranello. and then offer a GT Stradale version, please :).

  18. allanlambo

    allanlambo F1 Rookie

    Jun 9, 2002
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    Time for Ferrari to make exotic cars again, and not look to make everyday drivers. Thats what toyota and Mercedes are for.
  19. Brian C. Stradale

    Brian C. Stradale F1 Rookie
    Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 17, 2002
    Dallas, TX, USA
    Wrong!!! Just because I voted for a mid-engine 12 does NOT mean I want a disfunctional car like the Gallardo... I absolutely want a car I can drive everyday... as well as drive on the track. I want to drive it as much as possible!

    When a friend and I head to the golf course, I want to be able to drive him in my Ferrari... not an option if I have a Lambo. If I am going to a 2- or 3-day car event... I want to go in my Ferrari... not in the family sedan because the exotic can't hold enough luggage.

    I want an exotic everyday driver! I want high performance and great looks, compromised just enough to make it practical for everyday street driving.

  20. allanlambo

    allanlambo F1 Rookie

    Jun 9, 2002
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    Dysfunctional car like the Gallardo! lol
  21. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Well...you could always leave your golf clubs at the club locker room, I mean, that's what the club house is for. As for the trips that last a few days, I've made a few. Take the essentials and it should fit. A couple of overnight type bags.

  22. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Well...you could always leave your golf clubs at the club locker room, I mean, that's what the club house is for. As for the trips that last a few days, I've made a few. Take the essentials and it should fit. A couple of overnight type bags.

  23. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Well...you could always leave your golf clubs at the club locker room, I mean, that's what the club house is for. As for the trips that last a few days, I've made a few. Take the essentials and it should fit. A couple of overnight type bags.

  24. Auraraptor

    Auraraptor F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Sep 25, 2002
    Stickanddice, that was so important you needed 3 posts eh? ;)
  25. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
    Full Name:
    Mr. Doody
    stickand dice is

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