PPI Recommendations - Hartford CT area? | FerrariChat

PPI Recommendations - Hartford CT area?

Discussion in 'New England' started by oc23, Feb 16, 2024.

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  1. oc23

    oc23 Formula Junior
    Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 12, 2023
    Full Name:
    Rob Yo
    Hi all,

    Just curious if anyone knows of any good PPI places around Hartford? Looking at an F430 purchase in that area remotely and would like to have it checked out thoroughly before going down that route. Many thanks.
  2. Joe_CT

    Joe_CT Formula 3
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    May 16, 2007
    Full Name:
    You could contact “The Paddock” in New Britain or “F40 Motorsports” in Portland. I know the owner of “The Paddock” and he helped maintain my California and Nissan GTR.
  3. jerbear27

    jerbear27 Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 12, 2022
    Full Name:
    Capozzi’s in New Britain as well. Where’s the car? Happy to go take a look at it as I’m close by. Won’t be a PPI but can take a look around for you and let you know what I see.

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