Rev Counter problem | FerrariChat

Rev Counter problem

Discussion in '308/328' started by Harry, May 16, 2024.

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  1. Harry

    Harry Karting

    Nov 1, 2003
    After servicing my distributors (new points, condensers), my rev counter works only intermittently. Half of the time it shows 0, half of the time it works as it should. Engine runs fine.

    Never seen this problem before. Can the problem be related to some cable not being properly re-connected at the distributor?

    ('74 GT4, dual distributors with points, single point setup)
  2. Dockboy

    Dockboy Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    May 11, 2013
    Tach is electronic, no cable. It gets it's signal from the "-"(negative) side of one of the coils. It's a brown wire if I remember correctly. Either it is not connected or has a bad connection at the coil.
    kiwiokie likes this.
  3. Harry

    Harry Karting

    Nov 1, 2003
    Thank you, I will have a look at the coils!

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