Rob: content moved? | FerrariChat

Rob: content moved?

Discussion in 'Report Bugs & Ask Questions' started by bobafett, Nov 1, 2003.

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  1. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    Will you be migrating the content from the older software to VBB? Will you also restore usernames to levels previously?

    If you need help, just shout. I, amongst others I'm sure, have done administrative work with VBB.

  2. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    You mean post counts and register date?
  3. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    No, I mean the actual threads and posts.

  4. Brian C. Stradale

    Brian C. Stradale F1 Rookie
    Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 17, 2002
    Dallas, TX, USA
    And if its format conversion you need done on a mass scale, there are some here who are pretty good with file utilities that might help you get the job done. Often fairly scary looking conversions can be done amazingly easily with unix tools, perl, or otherwise.

    However, given you didn't move across the users, I assume you are not intending to move across the posts.

    Do you intend to maintain the posts in the old form at least?
    Having to do two searches for things will be a tad troublesome;
    losing access to that wealth of information far more so.
  5. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    Yes, I know it's possible. Yes, I would like to do it. I'm not sure if the value will justify the time.


    Discusware is HTML based, except for the users, which are in a mySQL db.

    So you would have to scan the flat html and extract what you wanted, extract the user, and extract the date/time stamp wherever that would be and map those to the vB data model. I don't think this will ever happen. More likely someone else writes a conversion for Discusware like has been done for most of the major software to vB.

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