Just wandered how many Kent or other guys were planning on coming to the Lion on the 5th feb I still dont really know exactly where it is.. Image Unavailable, Please Login
Joe I'll be there of course. I've done some maps of the area so I'll put em on the venue code page and call it "K2" Stigbert
I will be there too Joe, but not in the F-car. Is it 7.30 start? And if so, does anyone know if they do food there? Steve
Steve i will do a dry run ,pop in and find out Stigberto looking forward to seeing it on the 007 page
Hi Joe, I am planning to go to the 5th Feb meet, it would be good if we had a big turnout. My wife is keen to come as well so I said would ask if it is normally only us chaps who attend ? Chris
Chris , I dont see that as a prob, the more the merryer. My may come along as well so they can have a ladies chat...
Chris, I am deeply impressed; I doubt that my missus would go within a hundred metres of anything a sad as a Ferrari saddo!!! Stig
5th of Feb,, i keep hearing about this, is it an evening do?? or what??? if its evening me & missus will be there, she loves all things ferrari (but loves bike more but sadly Ducati and I am an Aprilia man)
Van, Its an evening thingy, at a pub organised by Ferrari Owners Club Kent area...should be a good evening, my misses wants to come and meet the Fchat saddos..... Joe
I would really like to go, but Iam elsewhere until 9/9.30pm, If I can get away promptly I will run down for 9.30/10.00pm
Agent 00360 K2 is now on the 007 page as discussed. Did you manage a drive out to check the venue out? Agent 00308
oo360 reporting in......mission completed..........meals till 9.00pm............ speed bump to negotiate........nothing other to report sir.. shaken....frozen......not stirred.
Further to a great day today...Can we do a head count for Thursday? Steve (Tr) Stig mundo (akk 00308) Chris (+ misses) Me-of coarse -Doh! Andy (the wing) Paul (the pedal maker) anymore??? sure ive missed some. Image Unavailable, Please Login
Stig / Joe My wife still wants to come tomorrow, and thats after she`s seen you lot last Sunday! (Very impressed with your car Joe. I feel under pressure now) Chris
Thnx for the compl Chris I believe mine is attending too, they can talk girly stuff whilst us guys get down to the nitty gritty Fcar talk. Agent Stigmundo 00308 and a half has the evening itinery I believe...lol Image Unavailable, Please Login
00360 Don't know if there is any itinerary as such, I'm just gonna turn up and look for a friendly face, and talk bollox for a few hours. Are we eating beforehand, or are we gonna grab a bite there? I'm easy either way.... 00308
Love to come down there guys and buy ya all a beer but it's a little to much distance,shame realy would be fun nevermind, Dale.