Some 348 questions... | FerrariChat

Some 348 questions...

Discussion in '348/355' started by Ricambi America, Jan 23, 2004.

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  1. Ricambi America

    Ricambi America F1 World Champ
    Sponsor Owner

    I am so F#*KING HAPPY!! Since I've taken delivery of my 348, my heart beats a little faster, I have perma-grin on my face, and all my clothes smell like gasoline and oil. La vida loca!!

    I have some lame questions for 348 owners:

    1. How do you properly wax the cheese graters? It's a tough area to get my stubby hands into. Speaking of wax, I'm starting to question my love for Griot's Best of Show. It works fine on my Steel Blue BMW. On the black expanse of the 348, I'm getting unacceptable swirl marks. Ideas?

    2. Today I drove about 60 miles. It was around 35-F outside, and my oil temp never got about about 160. Normal?

    3. What's the deal with the fabric heat shields on the engine cover? On mine, it appears the foam has begun to separate from its backing. The panels now droop into the engine compartment quite sadly. Is there a proper adhesive to fix this, or is a replacement in order? Would I be better off with some reflective heat shield instead?

    4. I need to replace the plastic pins in the drivers door hinge -- you know, those blocks that control the various "door stops" when it's open. Right now, the drivers door has an annoying snap/click sound when it passes the spot where the bushing should be. Any ideas? Is the repair a bigger PITA than the snaping sound?

    5. I ran fourth gear fairly hard on the freeway this morning (for a newbie), shifted around 5500 rpm. There was a slight -- and I mean very slight -- burning smell for the next few seconds. Up in 5th, I settled into about 3000rpm and car ran perfectly fine. Anything to worry about? All fluids look fine, and not a single drop of anything (other than tears of joy) are on the garage floor.

    5. Finally, at what point in a boy's F-car ownership does he begin to concentrate on regular life again? So far, I'm still in a Ferrari-induced fog.

    6. Lastly... I had lunch yesterday with the owner of Sodacoms. Once again, I confess the folks in this Ferrari community (that I've encountered) are just 100% nice. Dave fixed me up with a new interior trim piece, and he's just a class-act. If all the sponsors of F-Chat are of equal caliber, we're in good shape.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. bigbaddad

    bigbaddad Karting

    Oct 31, 2003
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    John Roberts
    #2 bigbaddad, Jan 23, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    Sounds like you are having fun!

    #1. I am always changing waxes, just to try out new ones. But, if you are getting swirl marks... you need to polish them out. I doubt the wax is causing them. My Porsche is black, and there will always be some swirls marks on black. I dry with micro fiber towels and wax every month or two. I polish the paint about 2x per year. Learn to love a little bit of swirl, or you will go insane with black.

    #3. I replaced mine with a reflective covered foam from JC Whitney. Here's a pic... Just use a high temp spray adhesive. I cut two pieces and fed it under the black metal bars for additional support. Oh yeah, I took off the engine cover to make it easier to layout and cut the foam.

    #5. Can't help ya, I'm still foggy myself.

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  3. Mitch Alsup

    Mitch Alsup F1 Veteran

    Nov 4, 2003
    1<snip>On the black expanse of the 348, I'm getting unacceptable swirl marks. Ideas?

    Stick with red/tan <<donning flame protecting suit>>

    2. Today I drove about 60 miles. It was around 35-F outside, and my oil temp never got about about 160. Normal?

    In 105 degree texas heat driving down the interstate I see 165 oil temps. These things have a lot of cooling capasity. To get the oil hot, you really have to work at it.

    5. I ran fourth gear fairly hard on the freeway this morning (for a newbie), shifted around 5500 rpm. There was a slight -- and I mean very slight -- burning smell for the next few seconds. Up in 5th, I settled into about 3000rpm and car ran perfectly fine. Anything to worry about? All fluids look fine, and not a single drop of anything (other than tears of joy) are on the garage floor.

    Have the axle boots looked at. They get cooked by the heat of the exhaust headers and cats.

    5. Finally, at what point in a boy's F-car ownership does he begin to concentrate on regular life again? So far, I'm still in a Ferrari-induced fog.

    I've owned my Ferrari for 2.5 years, and still waiting....
  4. 355f

    355f Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    Follwwing a recent pole on here where 70pc of you reccommended Zaino synthetic poilshes , Ive used them and am now a convert!!

    Better than the best wax for a car your going to use and it gets rid of light scratches and the more you use the better it is!!

    forget the waxes!
  5. jimangle

    jimangle F1 Rookie

    Nov 5, 2003
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  6. vincent355

    vincent355 F1 Veteran
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    Welcome tot he 348!!!!! Great car and i especially like your color choice.

    Everybody covering most of the points pretty well, and there are a couple of previous threads on the insualtion replacement in the old chat.

    The only time my oil gets even near 190 is when I'm pushing real hard on a hill climb!!!!

    Try shifting at around 7000rpm, you'll be outrunning whatever smell that is, and the sound is glorious. JK

    #5, I've had mine for almost a year and I'm still grinning everytime I take it out, and that is whenever I can. You'll find that trips to the grocery take on an entirely different meaning and seem to not be quite as direct. Very fun car to drive!!!!!!

    Drive it often, they behave much better when you do.

  7. DrStranglove

    DrStranglove FChat Assassin
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    I live in Blowing Rock and drive through WS on a regular basis!!!! We should have lunch!!!!!


    PS I LOVE my 348!!!!!!!!!
  8. DrStranglove

    DrStranglove FChat Assassin
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  9. Ricambi America

    Ricambi America F1 World Champ
    Sponsor Owner

    DRS -

    Check your PM
  10. kenster888

    kenster888 Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
    Welcome to the world of 348.

    348s rock!
  11. 92_348ts

    92_348ts Formula Junior

    Jun 6, 2002
    Boise, Idaho
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    In response to question #5:

    I have had my 348ts for almost two years now and I still find myself going into the garage and just starring at the car. Pretty pathetic huh?
  12. ernie

    ernie Two Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 19, 2001
    The Brickyard
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    The Bad Guy
    Ahhhhh a new member of the 348 club. Welcome aboard. They are fun little cars. Congrats.

    As for cleaning the cheeze graters. A nice little trick that I use is to clean them with the doors open. This way you can get in between them from the back side.

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