Stock Tip IDNW | FerrariChat

Stock Tip IDNW

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Canto, Dec 1, 2003.

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  1. Canto

    Canto Rookie

    Nov 28, 2003
    Just thought I'd pass this along. As many of you know, the VoIP sector is getting really hot right now. One company that is starting to see a correction for the upside is iDial Networks (ticker: IDNW). It has done about 300% since last month, and will continue to surge in the upcoming weeks/months.

    They have very strong revenues and good management. Do your DD, and you'll thank me. Expect a 1000-2000% short-term upside.

    Tuesday morning will see a very impressive run...the MM's are setting this one up.
  2. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    Wow, very odd. Someone else pointed this out to me.

  3. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    Penny stocks are fun, but you can really get hurt. Many of these are pushed through boiler-rooms. Here is the current poop on this stock. Note the 450M shares outstanding. I would put in a buy at $.01 and wait for another rally to $.08-$.10 and bail.

    as of 12/01/2003 at 04:00PM EST (OTCBB Delay: 15 mins.) Manage Alerts

    Previous Close Open Volume 30-Day Avg Vol
    0.042 0.046 79,753,227 N/A
    on 11/28/03 on 12/1/03 on OTCBB on OTCBB

    Prev. Close vs. Open: 0.004 (+9.52%) Current vs. Avg: N/A

    Day Low Day High Shares Outstanding
    0.0425 0.0635 495,159,000
    12/1/03 12/1/03 as of 11/28/03

    Intra-day Spread: 0.021 % of Total Shares Traded Today: +16.11%

    52-Week Low 52-Week High Market Capitalization
    0.0024 0.90 31,442,596.5

    52-Week Range: 0.8976 Change Today: 10,645,918.5

    P/E Ratio EPS(TTM) Beta Yield Currency
    N/A -0.06 2.38 N/A US Dollar
    as of 11/28/03 as of 11/28/03
  4. Artherd

    Artherd F1 Veteran

    Jun 19, 2002
    Bay Area, CA
    Full Name:
    Ben Cannon
    Intresting, these guys are in an emerging market, and seem to have actual assets in place from what I can tell.

    If they're going to do something shortly with a major cell phone maker, it could be big actually.

    iDial looks like it's poised to be a majoriry player in the Latin America telecom market, both conventional and IP based.

    I'd still like to see a full financial breakdown of the company.

    Wish I had a spare $mil to drop into something like this, but I'm too busy with my own ventures, as fast as I can get them moving, I come up with 10 more!

  5. teak360

    teak360 F1 World Champ

    Nov 3, 2003
    Boulder, CO
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    Stock tips from a guy who joined the board last Friday?
  6. TestShoot

    TestShoot F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 1, 2003
    Beverly Hills
    Now if I am not mistaken "Canto" is a level of hell from Dante's Inferno...

    3 posts and one is a stock tip... Hmm.. pump and dump? VoIP is a go-nowhere technology. I have been all over it and lost bank back in 99 and 01.
  7. Artherd

    Artherd F1 Veteran

    Jun 19, 2002
    Bay Area, CA
    Full Name:
    Ben Cannon
    His only other post... (spammed twice to GFC and the SoCal regional.)

    Who knows? Guy may be totally legit and just getting here either from the old site, or one of his buddies referals. But I hope he'll understand we're a wee bit suspect...

    "If anyone is in the market for a new 360 coupe, I thought I'd pass this one along. The car was offered to me, but I'm in the market for a spyder now. It has CH grill, DT seats, CD, and 6sp.

    For more info on the car or who to contact, send me an email or a PM."
  8. Canto

    Canto Rookie

    Nov 28, 2003
    Not trying to dupe anyone here...I've had success with this stock, just passing it along. By all means, do your due dilligence and decide for yourself.

    Regardless of VoIP's future, the sector is heating up and profits stand to be made. The hype surrounding this industry is increasing daily and unlike most VoIP companies, iDial actually has a solid foundation with next quarter revenues expected to be around $75 Million (way ahead of any other VoIP company). The C/D isn't due till August 2005, so this does not pose a risk to the stock price in the short-term. And as Artherd pointed out, they have a stronghold in emerging markets which will only seek to gain from the cost benefits of VoIP.

    ...besides, how much could I possibly stand to gain by pumping an off-topic forum in a random car site? If I wanted to "pump" stock, I could go to Yahoo.

    ps. Canto means "song" in Italian.
  9. mfennell70

    mfennell70 Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
    Middletown, NJ
    Disagree there. Some day you will have one line into the house that will provide phone, TV, and Interenet. The technology is pretty stable for the world of computers. What's missing is seemless integration of the technology with endpoints. It's literally impossible at this time to make a VoIP call from a computer at one company to a computer at another without a lot of equipment and configuration at both ends.
  10. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    Ya..This stock it tear'en things up today! 0.067 +0.0035 (+5.51%). I think I'll take a second out on my home and buy 10-12 million shares!
  11. Canto

    Canto Rookie

    Nov 28, 2003
    Holding steady at 0.075 (+18%) with over 43M shares traded in less than 1.5 hours.
  12. atheyg

    atheyg Guest

    Classic key reversal on volume, scary looking chart, I'd run from this one, looks like pump and dump, big sellers of this stock on any rally

    Go to Vegas you'll have better odds
  13. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
    Full Name:
    Canto: Tell us about yourself and where you sit in the Ferrari community.
  14. Canto

    Canto Rookie

    Nov 28, 2003
    Just a regular F-car enthusiast...used to own a 99 360 F1 blk/blk, sold it to get back in the stock market and am now looking for a spyder. I'm in the import/export business (textiles) and dabble with stocks once in a while when I see a good opportunity (the bulls are coming...04 is going to be a very profitable year, and the VoIP sector IMO is going to lead the way).
  15. Canto

    Canto Rookie

    Nov 28, 2003
    You are way off in your assumption. Perhaps you missed the part where Deloitte and Touche listed iDial as the 168th fastest growing company on it's Fast 500 tech list, or that they recently posted record revenues for the 3rd quarter ($27M, with an EPS of only -0.012), or that they acquired GlobalNet (one of the largest providers of data services to Latin America and the rest of the world), or that they rescinded their reverse split, etc. etc. etc....should I keep going?

    I've been in plenty of pump/dumps, this is NOT one of them. If anything, this is the most undervalued tech company there is...period. As mentioned on CNBC yesterday, VoIP companies should be valued between 15-20x revenue, which would put IDNW right around $0.68-$0.90 at last quarter's next quarter, the correct valuation would put it right around $1.87-$2.50. Not to mention, this could be one of the first VoIP's to actually post a profit.

    Short-term, this is a winner.
  16. tiggs

    tiggs Rookie

    Nov 11, 2003
    Actually, his analysis looked dead-on to me and was exactly how I read it. Your mistake is confusing the fact he was talking from a TA point of view and you're arguing from a FA perspective which is irrelevent for TA. You've only established hype with no evidence of a positive value for the company. Even from a fundamental perspective, as an OTC stock the Company really hasn't proven itself and is clearly trading on hype with the pumpers/dumpers.

    Just because a talking head on CNBC says it should be worth X amount is meaningless let alone only using a revenue metric(laughable at best). If anything, a P/S value as high as you suggest would be a red flag from a fundamentals perspective. For an unprofitable/unproven company trading at 3x BV with expenses rising increasingly with revs, Vegas would have better odds.

    Might touch it with a 10 foot pole but thats about it. Might want to look at real companies instead of chasing pie in the sky fantasy returns.
  17. TestShoot

    TestShoot F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 1, 2003
    Beverly Hills
    Canto, the more you dig in to defend, the more it sounds like hyping the stock, let it slide and those of us without investments will be the fools, right? All of the sudden someone is asking "Why is this company so active all of the sudden?"

    VoIP in our homes? **** not in my lifetime. I have heard about this for several years now, and it has progressed little since my first contact with the technology in 1996.

    To be honest, since we are talking bs, I have a better idea, voice, data and cable over power. Think ONE line coming to your house, one bill, the infinite possibilities. VoIP will happen the day before my little rant does. "Welcome to AOL for Edison."

    Don't confuse what it could do with what it is.
  18. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
    Full Name:
    The stock is through the roof again this morning,

    iDial Networks (IDNW)
    0.068 +0.007 (+11.48%)
    as of 12/03/2003 at 10:54AM EST (OTCBB Delay: 15 mins.) Manage Alerts

    Previous Close Open Volume Day Low Day High
    0.061 0.06 19,765,464 0.056 0.071

    If any company will own the VOIP, it will be Cisco. If any other company can do a better job, Cisco will buy them (and on that rumor, a penny stock such as this may go very high, but at a high risk to the investor). If I had a dollar for every penny stock I lost money in during 1997-2000, I would be a VERY rich man.
  19. racedecknc

    racedecknc Karting

    Nov 24, 2003
    Winston Salem
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    I play with pennies, usually win, and this one might be worth taking a little ride on. I'm going to watch it a couple of more days, maybe buy in on a dip and let it take me for a 10-15% ride.

    Its easier to lose than win, though, for sure

  20. noahlh

    noahlh Formula 3

    Aug 28, 2003
    NYC, NY
    Full Name:
    I'm not sure what you're talking about here. I currently have a VoIP setup in my home through Vonage and it's absolutely wonderful. I have a Cisco ATA running over my cable modem, and I'm paying $37.81 / month -- all taxes included -- for a (212) phone number with unlimited local, unlimited long distance, and international calling for around $0.05 - $0.10 / minute (depending on country).

    You can't beat that with landline phones right now. Also, the cost of VoIP is staggeringly little when you look at it for more professional-grade setups, like virtual PBXs w/ extensions in different cities.

    Yes, there are issues -- reliability first and foremost (power goes down, so does VoIP, and broadband is much less reliable than POTS phones), but still, to say that the technology hasn't progressed since 1996 and that the industry is going nowhere is just wrong.
  21. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    I have been playing with a custom VoIP setup @ home. Granted it's not near ready for regular home use, and our network is proprietary (not Vonage or anything like htat), but the solution makes large-scale business deployments TOTALLY awesome.

    Example: I have an extension for our own company phone network through a Cisco IP phone. I take said phone to Beijing, plug it into any live network there, and voila, it picks up a new IP. Someone calls my extension, and it rings there as if it were local. Clarity is great (although this, again, is partially due to our own hardware, networks, etc.) - and it works seamlessly.

  22. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
  23. racedecknc

    racedecknc Karting

    Nov 24, 2003
    Winston Salem
    Full Name:
  24. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
    Full Name:
    Yup! This stock is continuing to really smoke!

    Previous Close Open Volume Day Low Day High
    0.067 0.068 2,584,374 0.062 0.068
  25. Sean F.

    Sean F. F1 Rookie

    Feb 4, 2003
    Full Name:
    Sean F
    Do you work for Vandelay Industries?

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