Subsribing to CAR and EVO in the states ??? | FerrariChat

Subsribing to CAR and EVO in the states ???

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Doody, Jan 2, 2004.

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  1. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
    Full Name:
    Mr. Doody
    is there some reasonably-priced way to subscribe to british mags CAR and EVO here in the states?

    direct they want $105 and $140 per year respectively.

    seems like there must be a more reasonable option available, no?

    any info appreciated.


    PS: and yes, i know it's available at B&N et. al. - i'm looking to have it delivered monthly.
  2. MikeZ_NJ

    MikeZ_NJ Formula 3

    Dec 10, 2002
    Southern NJ
    Full Name:
    Mike Z.
    To save people time and aggrivation, here's what I know for a fact DOES NOT work -

    If you get Evo and there's a card to subscribe at a teaser rate or for a special, don't bother filling it out/sending it in. Mine got sent right back, so I'm assuming the special rates aren't valid for international customers.
  3. Stradaleman

    Stradaleman Rookie

    Nov 3, 2003
    Although it seems high, I paid the $140 to get a fresh air-mailed copy of EVO in my mailbox each month.

    You could save some $$ by picking it us at Barnes/Noble, but you never know when it will come in, and you receive it earlier by subscribing. It has been well worth it.
  4. SefacHotRodder

    SefacHotRodder F1 World Champ

    Dec 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    i've been contemplating it for a while. evo would be my priority followed by car and then bmw car or total bmw but the rates they are asking for are astronomical. i'll have to wait :(

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