Sunday in Buenos Aires | FerrariChat

Sunday in Buenos Aires

Discussion in 'Latin America' started by Alfer, May 9, 2019.

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  1. Alfer

    Alfer Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 4, 2007
    NH/the Netherlands
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    I am active on this site for many years (Europe/Netherlands and International sections) as owner of a 328GTS 1988.5 (earlier 308GTB 1978) to which I do the maintenance and repairs mostly myself. I spend Sunday in Buenos Aires (business trip) and hope for some advise to spend the day seeing/visiting/meeting Ferrari's and other great sports cars (Alfa, Maserati,..).
    Of course would be fantastic to meet with another 328 owner(s).

    Thanks in advance for all info and advise!
  2. theunissenguido

    theunissenguido Formula 3
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    Jan 21, 2004
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    Menno, be very carefull even in the typical touristy sections. There are a lot of attacks on turists. Do not show things of value (cell phone,camera,no payment with credit or other cards). Be carefull to exchange money that no one is following you and for false money.
    Argentina is already standing with both feet in the air of the abyss, only wind stops the falling...
    Wens je niettemin een prettig verblijf, Guido
    Alfer likes this.
  3. Alfer

    Alfer Formula 3
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    Sep 4, 2007
    NH/the Netherlands
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    Thanks Guido, I visit Buenos Aires for the 2nd time and liked it. the following week will I visit Brazil (East coast incl. Sao Paulo and Rio) also for a tour along the steel plants since we manufacture the knives for shears in continuous steel processing lines.
  4. theunissenguido

    theunissenguido Formula 3
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    Jan 21, 2004
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    I'm in Buzios/RJ for the moment until next week. But thats far away of the BIG city problems !Have a nice trip in Brasil also and who know we are crossing roads somewhere.
    Alfer likes this.
  5. theunissenguido

    theunissenguido Formula 3
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    Jan 21, 2004
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    #5 theunissenguido, May 10, 2019
    Last edited: May 10, 2019
    Menno had je dit programma al gezien ? Did you see this program ?
    I did send this by conversation.....
  6. Alfer

    Alfer Formula 3
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    Sep 4, 2007
    NH/the Netherlands
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    Yes, I have seen it. Thanks and enjoy your weekend in Brazil!
  7. JorgeMarquez93

    Sep 16, 2019
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    Jorge Marquez
    Me encanta buenos Aires pero una ciudad un poco peligrosa para quien tenga un ferrari........
  8. theunissenguido

    theunissenguido Formula 3
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    Jan 21, 2004
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    ¡No solo para los conductores de Ferrari! teléfono celular, cámara, reloj, cualquier oro u otras joyas ... son suficientes para atraer la atención de los choros...

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