Two general questions for the experts!! | FerrariChat

Two general questions for the experts!!

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by riverflyer, Dec 27, 2003.

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  1. riverflyer

    riverflyer F1 Rookie

    Nov 26, 2003
    Mendocino, Ca
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    And yes, I have searched already. I am trying to find 60 to 0 stopping distances for 348 and 355 models. Also I have been looking for a guide that tells what colors were offered for a particular model and year. Any help greatly appreciated. John
  2. dwhite

    dwhite F1 Rookie

    Where did you search?
    348 - 127
    355 - 122
  3. riverflyer

    riverflyer F1 Rookie

    Nov 26, 2003
    Mendocino, Ca
    Full Name:
    Dwhite, I searched the archives, but got no results. Anyway, thanks for the info, appreciate it.
  4. Ingenere

    Ingenere F1 Veteran
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Dec 11, 2001
    On the Limit
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    My 348 has F40LM fronts and F50 rears and has been measured @

  5. zjpj

    zjpj F1 Veteran

    Nov 4, 2003
    Um... I'm speachless... congratulations doesn't really seem appropriate... that is SO awesome - I've never really heard of anything like that kind of upgrade
  6. riverflyer

    riverflyer F1 Rookie

    Nov 26, 2003
    Mendocino, Ca
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    zjpj, there are several cars around this board, both 348 and 355 that have done this brake upgrade.
    Dino, thanks for the hard data, that is quite an improvement and worth the money spent.
  7. mk e

    mk e F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
    The twilight zone
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    The Butcher
    Remember that the numbers are only true with the TIRES they were tested with. Tires are the most important part of the equation when you are talking about 60-0.....if it's your 4th or th5 consecutive 100-0 stop, the brakes will start to coming into play. Godd tire mean high corner speed and fast stops. Big brakes take more abuse before overheating, but reduce acceleration because they are heavier.
  8. zjpj

    zjpj F1 Veteran

    Nov 4, 2003

    I just figured - limited production cars mean limited production parts... which means that they aren't available to put on other cars. Where do you buy the parts? Can it be done on any model? - I guess as long as the wheels are big enough... That's so cool :)

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