Upcoming track days | FerrariChat

Upcoming track days

Discussion in 'Texas' started by maranelloman, Dec 9, 2003.

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  1. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    On Jan. 8, there will be another Ed Paez Open Track Day at TWS in College Station. 7 hours of pure track time, no run groups, and plenty of instructors, along with corner workers & a full safety crew.

    On Jan. 22, there will be a first-ever Ed Paez Open Track Day at Motorsport Ranch outside Ft. Worth. Same deal, different (and VERY fun) track.

    Go to www.edpracing.com for details & to sign up.

    Disclaimer: I have no commercial or financial affiliation with Ed. I instruct at these events, and help promote them because they are a BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. WJHMH

    WJHMH Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 5, 2001
    Panther City, Texas
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    Yep, a fun day indeed for all. I'll try to make it to the Ft Worth event as well.
  3. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    We should make a list for all the upcoming track events for reference...

    www.nasatx.com ...

    MSR March 6-7
    TWS April 3-4
    MSR June 5-6
    MSR July 10-11
    Hallett August 14-15
    TWS Sept 25-26

    www.thedriversedge.net ...

    Motorsport Ranch February 07 & 08 Clockwise
    Texas World Speedway March 06 & 07
    Motorsport Ranch April 17 & 18
    Texas World Speedway June 12 & 13 Clockwise
    Motorsport Ranch September 11 & 12 Clockwise
    Texas World Speedway October 09 & 10
    Texas World Speedway November 13 & 14 Clockwise
    Motorsport Ranch December 04 & 05

    www.pca.org/mav/ and www.lsrpca.com/ ...

    Feb. 21-22 LSR Drivers' Education at TWS
    Feb. 28-29 - Drivers' Education at Mostorports Ranch. Sponsored by Autobahn Motorcars.
    May 1-2 LSR Drivers' Education at TWS
    Jun. 5-6 LSR Drivers' Education at TWS
    Jun. 19-20 - Drivers' Education at Mostorports Ranch.
    Sep. 17-19 - Drivers' Education at Mostorports Ranch.
    Oct. 23-24 - Drivers' Event (type TBD) at Mostorports Ranch.
    Dec. 4-5 LSR Drivers' Education and Instructors' Clinic at TWS

    www.texasworldspeedway.com Motorsports club all at TWS...

    Jan. 24-25 TWS Motorsports Club
    Feb. 28-29 TWS Motorsports Club
    Apr 28-29 TWS Motorsports Club
    May. 15-16 TWS Motorsports Club
    Jul. 17-18 TWS Motorsports Club
    Aug. 21-22 TWS Motorsports Club
    Nov. 27-28 TWS Motorsports Club

    Add the others you know!
  4. GrigioGuy

    GrigioGuy Splenda Daddy
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 26, 2001
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    Hooza Goodboi
    Don't know if this counts, but the date for the next Kilgore Practical Driver Improvement is April 10-11, 2004
  5. TXesprit

    TXesprit Formula Junior

    Oct 31, 2001
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    Rob (or anyone else),
    I know you're a pretty serious track guy, so which group is your favorite? I've been to the TWS Motorsports Club, CVAR @ TWS, the Panoz days at TMS, and Motorsport Ranch for a private session, but I haven't been to NASA, Driver's Edge, or the PCA events.

    My favorite has been the private session (we had about 7 cars on the track at any one time) since I could concentrate on myself and learning. The PCA events just sound like too many cars. How about the others? I really just want to go out, learn, and have some fun. I'm not the most competitive person out there, though I still like to see that I'm improving. I just don't have enough track time to be competetive-minded yet.

    Any suggestions? I keep wanting to take the Esprit back out, and I'm hoping to get my Mustang on the track in the spring since I have the new 5-speed in it and a roll bar on it's way.

  6. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    I think the TWS Motorsports Club, PCA, NASA, and Driversedge are all run very similar. They're very formal with the rules and instructors. That's the good and bad. Usually more cars and less freedom, but if you're learning, then saftey and a formal instruction program is probably the best.

    Panoz was another one I forgot about. They have decent events. Fun to run TMS, but the price is very expensive for just one day and there isn't much instruciton, if at all.

    Sport Bike Hype is another one at just the TMS infield. Probably the best deal at only $55 a day, but the two times I've been we only got 2-3 car sessions because of all the bikes.
  7. WJHMH

    WJHMH Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 5, 2001
    Panther City, Texas
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    I just got an update from Mike Ledinski,

    The Jan. 8th event has been moved to Jan. 15. The entry list was looking thin so Ed gave the drivers the option of rescheduling the event. He received enough response to reschedule the date so it was done.

    If you have already confirmed for the 8th I will hold your spot for the 15th but you need to reply and confirm that you can make the new date. If you were not confirmed I still have a couple of unfilled spots that will carry over to the 15th so if you want in just let me know.

    I'm sorry if this causes any problems in your schedule. It was necessary to make sure the minimum number of drivers were signed up. The 8th was just a little too close to the holidays. Also remember, the MSR event is the following week on the 22nd and I still have several spots open. Thanks, and happy holidays!

  8. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    Will, many thanks for posting this. I was going to post that update, but simply forgot...
  9. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    There are still a few spots open for this coming Thursday's (1/15) event at TWS.

    The event at Motorsport Ranch has been rescheduled to Thursday, 2/12. Plenty of spots left for that one.
  10. Chevarri

    Chevarri Formula Junior

    Jan 20, 2003
    In a rose bush.
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    So, why are the events at TWS on a Thursday instead of Fri/Sat/Sun? I saw that you could rent a Miata for 150 and was going to do it for my B-day, but that Feb 19 event is on a Thursday as is the April 1st one :(
    Hey, Dave which class/group do you instruct?
  11. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    These events are on weekdays because it costs much less to rent the track, thus the organizer can charge a lot less, and you have fewer cars & more track time.

    I instruct for a bunch of track events: these Thursday ones organized by Ed Paez; and ones by the Drivers Edge, Porsche Club, BMW Club, SVT Cobra Club, and of course Ferrari Club.
  12. DJF1

    DJF1 Rookie

    Jan 11, 2004
    #12 DJF1, Jan 12, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2012
    The TWS club I think its the best from the above listed as it offers a ton of track time! Not many cars attend the events and therefore you have a lot of empty track and long sessions. Last summer due to the heat and the ton of track time ( half an hour sessions!!!) almost noone did the last session! I was told that I could pretty much go out which ever group I wanted as noone was going out on Sunday afternoon if I wanted more track time , but I was so tired that I passed!
    They have an event on January 24,25 which I will participate. I just hope they run the normal track as the last time we did all sorts of weird configurations, big truck clockwise ( too hard on the brakes as you gather so much speed before Larry, Curly and Mo) , small track clockwise and counterclockwise and never the normal 2.9 counterclockwise.
    Hope to see you Ferrari guys there! Look me up if you come ( I drive a 993RS PCA C stock club racer)

  13. WJHMH

    WJHMH Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 5, 2001
    Panther City, Texas
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    I received another update from Mike Ledinski about the Jan 22nd event.

    Unfortunately, Ed had to push the MSR date out to Feb 12th. I will consider all of you confirmed unless you tell me otherwise. Ed plans to go to MSR a few times this year, he just needs to build a Dallas group. Sorry we had to move this one. Let me know if you can't make it, thanks.


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