Victory By Design on DVD - Finally!!! | FerrariChat

Victory By Design on DVD - Finally!!!

Discussion in 'Collectables, Literature, & Models' started by ferrariguy, Dec 9, 2003.

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  1. ferrariguy

    ferrariguy Formula Junior

    Aug 17, 2002
    Victoria, BC Canada
    Full Name:
    Lawrence Yee
    Hey folks, check out the website. The original Victory By Design shows (Ferrari and Porsche) PLUS 4 NEW ONES: Maserati, Alfa, Jag, Aston Martin are now available on DVD! The original ones have now been digitally re-masters in 5.1 sound too!

    I'm going to get them all!
  2. rr1973

    rr1973 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    DieCast Collector
    Full Name:
    Ramon Ramirez
    Thanks Ferrariguy let me check it !!
  3. rr1973

    rr1973 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    DieCast Collector
    Full Name:
    Ramon Ramirez
    Dear ferrariguy I can't found the DVD ..... Can you send us the exact link to go there !!
    Thanks !!
  4. ferrariguy

    ferrariguy Formula Junior

    Aug 17, 2002
    Victoria, BC Canada
    Full Name:
    Lawrence Yee
    Ooops sorry about that rr, here's the link:

    Hopefully I can order them for Canada. I know a friend here has already tried and order one but the toll free number didn't work. Maybe you'll have better luck.
  5. Schatten

    Schatten F1 World Champ

    Apr 3, 2001
    Austin, TX
    Full Name:
    last night on speedvision (I hate calling it speed or speedtv), they had the making of the VbD series. it was only 30 minutes, very slick and of course, they had a plug at the end. they didn't mention the website, but they said there was more material on the dvd's. but how much more material is the question. I'm anxious to have dvd quality audio and would dig more material as well. any idea? hopefully someone should be seeing a few in the mail soon.
  6. jimpo1

    jimpo1 Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Jul 30, 2001
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Jim E
    You watch it Sunday Dec 21st and record your own!
  7. aawil

    aawil Formula 3

    Aug 10, 2002
    Full Name:

    I watched the making of it last night too. When I get around to it i'll be ordering the ferrari and probably porsche one's.Maybe Maserati too who knows.
  8. detltu

    detltu Karting

    Nov 2, 2003
    Baton Rouge, LA
    Full Name:
    David Taylor
    I've never seen this series. It sounds very good. Do they feature the modern cars much. Does anyone know?
  9. TimN88

    TimN88 F1 Veteran

    Jun 12, 2001
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    i've got this on my computer. If anyone wants to host it for all to see, that would be great.

    funny thing is i just downloaded the porsche one, and am watching it right now, i just took a break to get an iced tea and read some threads here.
  10. rr1973

    rr1973 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    DieCast Collector
    Full Name:
    Ramon Ramirez
    Thank You ferrauguy
    I got it , Good gift for this season !!!
  11. ferrariguy

    ferrariguy Formula Junior

    Aug 17, 2002
    Victoria, BC Canada
    Full Name:
    Lawrence Yee
    Your're welcome rr. I got a reply from them. They do ship to Canada so all you Canadian f-chat members, you're in luck.

    They also said the Ferrari and Porsche dvds are on back-order but the others are in stock.

    Also, the ferrari and porsche dvds have been updated to include current cars like the F40, F50, and Enzo!
  12. Dopplemax

    Dopplemax Formula 3

    I've seen the Aston one on TV, but never got to see the Ferrari one. I just checked out the link provided and saw that the list of cars doesn't include either the 308s or the 288 GTO. Anyone know why?
  13. Bryanp

    Bryanp F1 Rookie

    Aug 13, 2002
    Santa Fe, NM
    I would get the DVD from the website - it says that, unlike the TV edition, it is 88 minutes long and includes 360 and Enzo footage not in the TV edition. . . .

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