What are your New Year's resolutions for 2004? | FerrariChat

What are your New Year's resolutions for 2004?

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by 360girliegirl, Dec 31, 2003.

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  1. 360girliegirl

    360girliegirl Rookie

    Nov 6, 2003
    Hayden, AL
    Full Name:
    Jennifer Burnett
    I was just wondering if anyone has a New Year's resolutions for 2004? Did anyone keep there 2003 resolutions?
  2. JaguarXJ6

    JaguarXJ6 F1 Veteran

    Feb 12, 2003
    Black Hawk, CO
    Full Name:
    My New Years resolution is to live in the same place for an entire year and ride it out with as little drama as possible. I'm sick of moving.

    My New Years resolution last year was to work my arse off. I got a 22% raise for my efforts.
  3. Chiaro_Slag

    Chiaro_Slag F1 Veteran

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:
    Nice to see a female on the boards - Don't let anyone scare you off!

    My New years resolution is to drive as much as possible! :)
  4. 360girliegirl

    360girliegirl Rookie

    Nov 6, 2003
    Hayden, AL
    Full Name:
    Jennifer Burnett
    Thanks Slag! I don't scare very easily. ;)

  5. jimpo1

    jimpo1 Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Jul 30, 2001
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Jim E
    I resolve not to make any more resolutions.
  6. funshipone

    funshipone Formula Junior

    Jan 2, 2002
    Harrison Twp. Mi. US
    Full Name:
    John Bicsak
    Enjoy life, Drive my Ferrari more than 2003, and be nice to people I meet.
  7. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    LOL... i never liked these silly resolutions... i wonder where the tradition comes from... Every year, though, i usually make at least one... i made one last year, to be stronger with the things i believe(d) in than the year before... i did just that...

    For '04, i resolve to get my sh_t together... Maybe move (definitely, oh please, i hope!); find a better job, something that pays me a respectable amount of money...
  8. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    Not really resolutions, but rather goals:

    - go to one F1 GP
    - go to the FCA Nationals
    - track the car

    keeping my fingers crossed
  9. 1992F40

    1992F40 Formula Junior

    Apr 11, 2002
    1) Get a house
    2) Get an F-car...that maybe latter than sooner-we will see.
    3) Work out like crazy
    4) Get my tea business off the ground and maybe make a little money.
    5) Travel
    6) Oh yea, a job that uses my talent...working in a stock room at Neiman Marcus right now...at least it is in the cosmetics dept.-lots of beautiful women, I think I have fallen in love at least 10 times now.
    7) Go to an F-1 race
  10. Mitch Alsup

    Mitch Alsup F1 Veteran

    Nov 4, 2003
    In 1995 I resolved never to make resolutions again. I kept that one!
  11. Casey_A

    Casey_A Rookie

    Dec 31, 2003
    1. Get an F-car.(Dependant on number 2)
    2.Get more consultation jobs.
    3.Work out more.

    I've never really made any resolutions before. I've set unrealistic goals for myself before so I guess they're pretty similar. :D

    Regards and Happy New Year,
  12. thecarreaper

    thecarreaper F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 30, 2003
    1) a 3x8 something in the garage by summer
    2) advance in my day job and expand my business into a real one ( if its feasable)
    3) meet others who share my passions/hobbies ( as in go somewhere and do something for a change!)
  13. jordan747_400

    jordan747_400 F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa

    Dec 9, 2002
    Houston, TX
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    My resolution is the same every year --to just be as good of a person I can be.

    However this year I might tack on another goal. I think Im going to come out of this year with a Ferrari! Maybe a little optimistic though :)
  14. Jerrari

    Jerrari F1 Veteran

    Jul 24, 2001
    Full Name:
    Jerry Wiersma
    1) Take up smoking
    2) Get more tail
    3) Drink more
    4) Get thrown out of a lot more bars than in '03
    5) Catch Bin Laden & buy everyone here a drink w/ the reward
    6) Did I mention drink more?
    7) Oh ya...help humanity...blah, blah, blah
  15. Brian C. Stradale

    Brian C. Stradale F1 Rookie
    Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 17, 2002
    Dallas, TX, USA
    My goals with my new Stradale are to reach the warranty's mileage limit before I reach the time limit... and to have at least 1/3 of those miles track miles.

    So, for 2004:
    1) Get a good start on wearing out my Stradale.
    2) Attend FCA2004... and drive Laguna Seca for the first time.
    3) Attend FQFC... and see if I can break the Bourbon Street speed record. ;)
    4) Become a fixture at MotorSport Ranch.
    5) And a regular at TWS.
    6) And drive Hallet, Barber, and TMS.

    Well, that's the Ferrari-related stuff... I, of course, have many other more important resolutions... stuff of great interest to my family, but a bit off topic here.

    Happy new year to all... may 2004 be each of your best year yet!!

  16. wax

    wax Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dirty Harry
    Sell 3 screenplays
    Win 2 lawsuits
    Marry the 1 who puts up with me
    Have 0 Bills
    Prepare for June, 2005 purchase of a 60's Ferrari
  17. 360girliegirl

    360girliegirl Rookie

    Nov 6, 2003
    Hayden, AL
    Full Name:
    Jennifer Burnett
    I'm with you on the fact that I also kept my goals or "resolutions".

    And to everyone else that has posted on this thread,
    Last year I made some very strong resolutions. I kept every one of them (well the important ones). This may be a very womanly thing to say but I'll do it because I am a woman.
    No matter who you are, where you live, or what you do for a living, don't ever let anyone tell you that you cannot do something or succeed at something you want. I have had those people in my life and then I have had the ones that will support me in whatever I choose to achieve. Those are the keepers and because of them I did succeed. I will drink to you tonight. Thank You.
  18. West777

    West777 Formula Junior

    Aug 28, 2003
    With the exception of #5 and #7, those have to be the most realistically accomplishable (is that a word?) goals yet!

    Im just starting school and will be in for 6 years and broke as a mother****er until they day I am done, plus some. So, the word Ferrari wont appear on my list. Hmmm I don't even have a list.
  19. pete04222

    pete04222 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    Maine, USA
    Full Name:
    Peter Cyr
    Except for 5, 7 and possibly 2 you should be able to achieve all your goals. :)

    I think my goal will be to rid myself of all credit card debt by year's end. This will be a major accomplishment as I have a wife who is thwarting my efforts.
  20. Jerrari

    Jerrari F1 Veteran

    Jul 24, 2001
    Full Name:
    Jerry Wiersma
    Pete, I too have a high maintenance wife (who won't buy any clothing unless it says Bebe, Louis Vitone, Via Spiga, etc) but she is a drug rep and makes great $, so I can't really complain. This year I managed to pay off 2 credit cards, my Ferrari and bought my wife new breasteses, thanks to a great year at my business. Believe me, it feels great to pay that crap off.
  21. marcos

    marcos Formula 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    Zuid-Holland - Nethe
    Full Name:
    Marc den D.
    My New Year's resolution for 2004: to be one step closer to owning my own Ferrari....

    ...I did keep my 2003 resolutions, I wanted to be and did became a member of the Ferrari Club of the Netherlands...! And I drove a Ferrari for the first time!!!

  22. 360CS

    360CS F1 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    Full Name:
    Joe J
    #22 360CS, Jan 1, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017

    Swop the 360 Spider for a 360 CS....
    Image Unavailable, Please Login
  23. branko

    branko F1 Rookie

    Mar 17, 2003
    Birmingham, Alabama
    Full Name:
    Branko Medenica
    West662, When I was in school, I was broke too and for a long time after. Just but your nose to the grindstone, work hard and keep the dream alive. You will have your Ferrari.
  24. West777

    West777 Formula Junior

    Aug 28, 2003
    Damn, thats a nice picture. The color looks really sharp. Those have to be my favorite Ferrari wheels of all time (are they BBS?). Will you get the car striped?

    Branko - I have pretty much accepted the fact I will be broke for a while! but like you said, I just gotta stick with it and one day I will have my car. It mind sound cheesy, but since I have been posting and viewing on this board, I have been much more motivated educational wise. Hearing stories and seeing pictures of chatters first Ferraris and other awesome cars really helps me maintain focus of my future goals. Years down the road I will be on this board with my own 'First Ferrari' story......guaranteed! :)
  25. benedict

    benedict Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Good for you,girliegirl. One of the best sayings I ever heard came from the cheesy late night infomercial guy Don Lapre who said "never listen to anyone who isn't doing better than you". So simple yet so poignant. That has been my litmus test in life because no matter what you do some fool will always sneer at you and say "what are you doing that for?". As far as strong women, I married one and am raising one so I know all about it. My wife and daughter were set to drive to New York City the other day when I heard the terror alert had been raised to orange. At the front door, I told my wife "I forbid you guys to go to NYC". I told her again in the driveway and then again as they pulled out of the driveway. Oh well. (LOL)

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