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What 2+2 to get

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by Stickanddice, Feb 10, 2004.

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  1. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Dealer told me that the CL600 was faster than the CL55 AMG. It has the same horsepower rating, but the 600 has more torque. The sprint to 60 is the same according to their brochure (4.6 seconds), and after that the 600 is supposed to pull away.

    I've narrowed it down to (alphabetically) Audi A8, Ferrari 456M, and Mercedes CL55 AMG, CL600. I'm going on test drives today and probably tomorrow. Since it's raining I'm guessing the Ferrari dealer won't let me test drive a car so today will be Deutsche car day!

    I will also be reluctantly returning the Subaru WRX STi I borrowed from my friend. That car is a hoot to drive. It has a lot of mods done to it. Embarassed many Corvette (including mine) owners and a few Ferrari guys too.
  2. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
    Honorary Owner

    Oct 23, 2002
    Full Name:
    Jim Glickenhaus
    My friends Audi RS6 ? (4 door twin turbo) is these most impressive 4 door car I've ever driven.
  3. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    OK, let's revise that list...

    Audi RS6, Ferrari 456M, Mercedes-Benz CL55 AMG, CL600. :)
  4. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    The Maybach is enormous. I was hoping to get a smaller car. I'm a Bentley fan anyway, so the Maybach is out of the question. :)

    I've been in one of those monsters though. Unbelieveable luxury appointments. Very impressive car, but just not my type.

  5. redhead

    redhead F1 Rookie

    Dec 26, 2001
    Full Name:
    Sorry to do this...but..Cont. GT.......

    Our service guys went down to LA 2 weeks ago, and drove it through the hills. They both fell in love with it. One of the Symbolic Sales guys was stuck in the back seat, and last to drive. At 6-1", he had no problem, and was so comfortable that when the time came for him to drive, they had to wake him up. No joke......

    The only major problem with the CGT so far that England has had, if slamming the trunk, the latch wont catch. A certian British actor found this out the hard way. Just shut it, and it will pull close, like all new cars. The fix/update is already on the line.


  6. rossofiorano355

    rossofiorano355 Karting

    Dec 22, 2003
    NOLA - Bham
    Full Name:
    Best guess based upon your responses would be the CL is more of what you are looking for. The description "sloppy" for the Jaguar is accurate. Elegant body, good power, everything else so-so. My wife loved her convertible, I was less impressed.

    Good luck
  7. greg512tr

    greg512tr Formula Junior

    Feb 19, 2002
    Dallas TX
    Full Name:
    Greg B
    Sheehan has a 456 Strahman conversion on his website. Looks good without the top. Its a bit overpriced as asking price is $175k.
  8. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    No thanks. Good of you to point it out though. Thank you.


    Agree that the Jaguar is extremely elegant. Very nice lines on the car. Like the Maserati, Jaguar is one of those marques I WANT to own, but never seem to justify it.


    Thanks for driving that coathanger right through my eyeball. Soon, it will be mine. It hurts enough that I want to get one but I'm forcing myself to wait. Given my penchant for slamming trunks it might not be the right car for me? :)

    Tomorrow I drive some more. Drove the CL600 and it was quite an impressive vehicle. Not bad at all. The thing is vicious fast, even in the rain. I think my wife would get a kick out the car. Couldn't find an RS6 to drive. Can't find a 456M GT to drive either.

    I decided to get the car for Valentine's Day if I get it. So time is real short. I guess that it's narrowed down to the Mercedes-Benz line. Hopefully I'll luck out with an Audi RS6 somewhere here and I'll get to drive it. I just spoke to the nearest dealer on the phone. Salesman didn't even seem interested to check inventory in his store, let alone neighboring stores. Someone suggested a Maserati Coupe? I thought the rear seats on these things were way too small, but I've never sat in the back, let alone been driven while back there. I have the worst damn timing.

  9. WJHMH

    WJHMH Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 5, 2001
    Panther City, Texas
    Full Name:
    Agreed. Just saw one last weekend, be like BOND.
  10. zjpj

    zjpj F1 Veteran

    Nov 4, 2003
    Stickanddice - keep us posted and good luck. I would go:

    1. 456, but you will take a big depreciation hit. may be hard to find/drive on short notice
    2. CL600

    RS6 is a sedan and I thought you wanted a 2+2.
  11. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002

    Be like Bond? Pretty lame reason. Please go back and read my response to 98TDFSpider's initial suggestion for the Vanquish.


    Thanks for the well wishes! I feel out of my element purchasing a car in such short notice. I usually test drive cars at least four times before making a decision. I also like to take my time so that the initial wow factor or appeal of a car sinks in and doesn't sway me.

    The RS6 is indeed a 4 door but I decided to give Audis a look based on suggestions. Somebody had suggested an A8. Jim later came on and suggested a RS6. Just based on what I know about the cars I substituted the A8 with the RS6. It turns out that my secretary has a new A8L and she told me she loves the car, but that I would find it boring so I'm glad I didn't waste a salesperson's time looking at the A8.

    The 456 looks to be falling out of contention based on availability. I also spoke to an acquaintance on the phone who kind of swayed me against the Ferrari for a few very valid reasons. Mainly price depreciation of alarming severity (as you have also pointed out). Normally resale value is not a very big concern, but I have a feeling this is not going to be a car we will keep for long. Maybe five years or so until the "next best thing" shows up.

    I am thinking of giving the Maserati Coupe a chance in the 456's stead as alluded to in a previous post. A member of this board, who incidentally is an employee of mine (what a coincidence! :)) suggested it. I have never considered it and have no idea about the car. He has admittedly never used the back seats but enjoys the car a lot. He has a 360 and a 575 so I know he likes exotics.

    The CL600 was recommended by the same gentleman who discouraged me from getting the 456. He had experience sitting in the back, in the passenger's seat, and driving it for pretty long stints.

    Hopefully I'll make my decision tomorrow so that I can send the car on it's way.

  12. Klint

    Klint Karting

    Dec 7, 2003
    Isle of Man, British Isles
    Full Name:
    Hi Stickanddice,

    Sorry for the slow response.

    I haven't yet had a chance to drive the higher range of Audis, but I've had driving time behind the wheel of a TT. Nothing special there.

    I've heard mixed reviews about the Audis, although the positive reviews outdo the negative ones by far.

    The CL600 looks like the best option...Why not get the Brabus CL600 with the SV12 powerplant? That makes the car a little more special then the other CL600s out there.
  13. TSMIV

    TSMIV Formula Junior

    Jan 27, 2004
    Columbus, MS
    Full Name:
    Robert Goodman
    I was mistaken. I was thinking of the CL500.
  14. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
    Honorary Owner

    Oct 23, 2002
    Full Name:
    Jim Glickenhaus
    I have a Maser Coupe and like it very much. Back is FINE. Car is a great GT. Everything works. I'd drive one.
  15. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Very strong recommendation! As soon as I get out of bed I'm going to the dealership.

  16. Texas Forever

    Texas Forever Eight Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Apr 28, 2003
    Of course, for old Stick, getting out of bed means normally about the time I start heading for bed! (Just kidding...)

    Dr "Sleepy" Tax
  17. cheddah

    cheddah Karting

    Jan 8, 2004
    Get the 456: Beautiful car, great power and a V12 with a pony on the front.

    Q: How do you increase the leg room in a 456?

    A: Floor it!
  18. malcolmb

    malcolmb Formula 3
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Apr 17, 2002
    San diego
    Full Name:
    Malcolm Barksdale
    May I suggest that you drive an XJR before dismissing it, we have one and it is a very good driver, lots of power[as fast as the 456 through the qtr mile]. it is not a track car of course, but has been a fine driver for me. It is the dog car used to transport the 85 pound Doberman. He thinks it is his kennel. Also I think you could find a 456MGT if you are willing to look, if you buy a 1999 or 2000 most of the depreciation is probably covered by the original owner. Nice to have all these good choices isnt it? Remember 1974?
  19. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002

    I'm afraid I've made a decision so I will no longer be considering any more cars.

    I know what you mean about the dog! My pup thinks my Corvette is hers. She's convinced of it, as a matter of fact.

    1974? I don't get it. I wasn't born yet. But you're right about choices. It is a great time to be a car enthusiast.

  20. Texas Forever

    Texas Forever Eight Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Apr 28, 2003
    So Stick, what did you get?

  21. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Sorry, couldn't find my camera last night.

    Getting ready for shipping.

    The car is actually a bit boring but perfect for what I was looking for. The thing hauls ass. It smokes just about every car in it's class. Twin turbo V12? Can't go wrong. I was actually going to get the Maserati as per Jim's suggestion but I have no patience for crap salespeople and conceited dealerships.

    Having a little problem posting pics over here...

  22. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Hope this works...
  23. lotustt

    lotustt Formula 3

    Aug 28, 2002
    Full Name:
    Very nice choice, looks great!
  24. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Thanks Tom!

    I think they look great in black. It'll be tough to keep clean, but worth it when it is. This car pulls like a freight train. I must say the workmanship is fantastic. Great attention to detail. Love the smart key feature that lets you operate the car/locks/ignition without the key. I'm a sucker for gimmicks like that. :) First year of the Bi Turbo V12 so I know the car won't be obsolete for a while (7 years according to the salesman...famous last words, I know).


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