I am tall - will I fit in a 308? | FerrariChat

I am tall - will I fit in a 308?

Discussion in '308/328' started by LSU348, Dec 22, 2003.

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  1. LSU348

    LSU348 Formula 3

    Dec 19, 2003
    Sugar Land
    Full Name:
    I am a tad tall. (6'2") will I fit in a 308 comfotably or should I start Yoga lessons now?



    PS: I am at work...office is a graveyard. Normaly I would not be able to even think about hitting this board before 7PM.
  2. jmillard308

    jmillard308 F1 Veteran
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    May 29, 2003
    Perth West Oz
    Full Name:
    John Millard
    A GTS with the roof off - yes!
    A GTB - no - without a skeletal restructure :)
  3. spyderman

    spyderman Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2003
    Toronto - Canada
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    Start the Yoga lessons!! :)
  4. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
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    That BS. 6'-3" in my GTB no problems.

    You gotta slouch, man!
    OR just lean over to the right and nuzzle on your girlfriend!

    Good Luck in your search.
  5. Mule

    Mule F1 Rookie
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 25, 2003
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    I'm 6' 4" and fit in the 328 just fine, roof on or off. My legs are just slightly bowed out and the right one sometimes hits the center heater vent.

    Seems the arm reach is perfect, but the pedals are a little close.
  6. Slomo

    Slomo Karting

    Nov 22, 2003
    Bellevue, WA
    Full Name:
    David Chambers
    I am 6'4" as well and I fit OK in my neighbors GTB, if a bit tight. My hair rubs on the top, but legs are OK once I bend myself under the wheel and into position. If my torso was 1/2 inch longer I would be very uncomfortable in a 308 for anything but a short trip. Another factor is how much you are willing to comprimise your comfort for your car. I grew up with a Alfa Spider, so I started young with a tight fitting car. I am sure that all F-car owners would agree that they did not buy their cars for comfort, but you do need it to tolerable at least.

    I think the key is to try it for yourself, and drive one yourself for some time. I am short in the body and long in legs. I think this combination allows a tall guy to fit with more options, as you can sit with your legs bent and sort of spread out. If you are long in the body, you are more limited as you can only adjust the seat and your posture so much. If you are only going to drive a short time this isn't too big a deal, but on a long trip -OUCH, MY BACK.
  7. Slomo

    Slomo Karting

    Nov 22, 2003
    Bellevue, WA
    Full Name:
    David Chambers
    One more thing to consider is your shoes, if you are a tall guy you probably have big feet. This sounds ridiculous, but I wear a size 13 or 14, and normal shoes are too long and too wide to work the pedals efficiently (and forget about Timberlands and the like) and sometimes my feet catch on the toes under the dash, and they also catch on the edges, so you have a scary gas/brake conflict. This can happen at bad times, like in a parking lot and you need to stop short (a kid jumps in front of you or something), so you jerk your foot over to the brake, only to catch the gas at the same time. Hasn't ever been dangerous for me, only annoying.

    So the result is that you wear shoes that have a narrower profile, and a bit softer sole so that you can get better feel on the pedals, and avoid mistakes. Driving shoes work great, but I am too lazy to change shoes getting in an out of the car everytime.
  8. CraigFL

    CraigFL Formula Junior

    Jan 17, 2001
    Panama City, FL
    Full Name:
    My feet are only size 12 but I switched to Piloti and they work just fine...
  9. Mule

    Mule F1 Rookie
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 25, 2003
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    My feet are 12, and the left foot hits the clutch when it is on the dead pedal. Bought some Fila Michael Schumache replicas that work great.
  10. LSU348

    LSU348 Formula 3

    Dec 19, 2003
    Sugar Land
    Full Name:
    A local F Chatter has graciously offered to take me for a ride in his 79 GTB. He is also 6'2" tall and says he fits AOK. I am partial towards the hard tops anyway.

    Let me define "fit". Fit - Legs do not touch windshield and I can reasonably safely turn the steering wheel. No, actually I mean can I get in the car without my head hitting the roof (requiring me to bend over).

    I "fit" into a 76 MGB...I am confortable in my 2000 328Ci. I only need to "fit" into the Ferrari.

    I have made a 6 hour drive in a BMW Z3 and it seems to have the same interior dimensions as the 308 GTB. If the "fit" is similar we have a winner.

    Thanks for the replies,

  11. tuttebenne

    tuttebenne F1 Rookie

    Mar 26, 2003
    Bay Shore, NY
    Full Name:
    The question is NOT "will I fit into a 308" The question is "will I fit into a 308 with a helmet on?"

    The answer to that is YES. I'm 6'1'' and have lots of track miles in my car. The seat has to go quite far back and the old arms are a bit extended, but I have never felt uncomfortable driving the car at speed. You will have no trouble - unless you think it should be like sitting in your living room :)

    Best wishes
  12. LSU348

    LSU348 Formula 3

    Dec 19, 2003
    Sugar Land
    Full Name:
    That is a good point...I had not thought about the track/helmet possibility. I have been to the US GP twice at Indy. Man I would love to drive that track when the Ferrari challenge guys are there.

    Thanks for the reply.

  13. Steve King

    Steve King F1 Rookie

    Feb 15, 2001
    6'3" at 245# with size 13 in a 77GTB with not problems. Seat back , back tilted and steering wheel adjusted up a tad. You gota just love it.
  14. LSU348

    LSU348 Formula 3

    Dec 19, 2003
    Sugar Land
    Full Name:

    Sweet! Man do I have the itch.
  15. LSU348

    LSU348 Formula 3

    Dec 19, 2003
    Sugar Land
    Full Name:
    I have now sat in a 308 GTB and a 308 GTS. I fit in both (with helmet) but prefer the GTB. In the GTB I was very comfortable. In the GTS (with top behind the seat) I was a tad folded. Without the top it was the same as the GTB.

    Love the visibility in the car.

    As a reminder I am 6'2" tall. I am thinking a 6'4" person would also fit comfortably in a GTB. Beyond that...stand by for Yoga.
  16. TimN88

    TimN88 F1 Veteran

    Jun 12, 2001
    Full Name:
    Whoever said you wont fit is full of BS. I fit fine in Hutch's 308 and i'
    m 6'1". Bret fit fine in his and hes taller than me.
  17. Dave

    Dave F1 Rookie

    Apr 15, 2001
    Little Rock
    Full Name:
    David Jones
    I think you will find that it depends on your proportions.
    whether you have more legs or torso or are even.
    I'm just 6 foot, but the way I'm built I just fit in my 308gtb.
  18. LSU348

    LSU348 Formula 3

    Dec 19, 2003
    Sugar Land
    Full Name:
    Just making sure you read my post right...I fit in both! I just fit a lot better in the 308 GTB. I am sure someone a few inches taller would also fit well.

  19. bigbaddad

    bigbaddad Karting

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:
    John Roberts
    My wife has the perfect analogy for this. A man's definition of fitting into a car is the same as that used by women trying on shoes. If you like the car/shoe enough, you will make yourself fit. So, how much do you like the 308? I am 6'3"+, so I am not really comfortable in our 348, but I do fit!

    Have fun shopping!

  20. ferraripete

    ferraripete F1 World Champ

    lsu...i am 6-4 and have no problem in my 308 gtb. it is actually very comfy and i also have no problem w/ the pedals w/ regard to heel and toe work. i too lean my seat back a bit and am amazed at just how great the car fits me. btw, size 12. unlike my boxer, i even love the location of the shifter and gate. the 308 fits like a well tailored suit!!
  21. sparta49

    sparta49 F1 Veteran

    Mar 3, 2001
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    Kelly Vince here in Louisiana is 6'4" and he fits in his GTS roof on or off no problem now he did put a hat on one day with the roof off and it was sticking over the roofline looked kinda like a kid driving a go kart from behind :)
  22. LSU348

    LSU348 Formula 3

    Dec 19, 2003
    Sugar Land
    Full Name:
    In terms of shoes I would say it fits perfectly. Getting the shoe off requires use of a shoe horn (getting my knee under the wheel is a skill I will have to master to not look like a bozo getting out) to get me out. Several rags needed to wipe smile off of my face at time of removal.


    NYJETSFAN Formula 3

    May 11, 2001
    Full Name:
    I`m 6'2" , I drive with my shoes off plus I took both seats out and cut and moved the front to back seat reinforcement bars under the seat. it dropped me down around another inch or so, I guess it depands on how your built too.
  24. Nuvolari

    Nuvolari F1 Veteran
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Sep 3, 2002
    Toronto / SoCal
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    Rob C.
    I'm 6ft and have no problems in my GTB. In fact I tend to drive with a very raked seat so I still have tons of headroom. Legroom is not a problem for me but a smaller steering wheel really helps if you size problems center around your legs.

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